[quote=@Uncle Death] *smiles* You don’t believe me. *holds my head with my arms behind them* There are many who can bypass time. But death? You can only run so far. [/quote] *I shrugged again. I seemed to be doing that a lot today.* [color=00a651]Well, to be clear, I obviously don't have a death wish, but I've seen enough to suspect that I might be one of the closest things to an exception there is. Not really sure how to feel about that. Technically, I'm over a century old, but I've only been awake about... twenty of those years? I've kind of been avoiding thinking about what I'm actually going to do with my unaging self long-term. I'd been distracting myself with world-ending threats, but now...?[/color] [quote=@Dark Cloud] [color=bc8dbf]After I sort things out for my guest here we will leave.[/color] *Turns looking in your direction momentarily before looking back to Collin as I step onto the balcony.* [color=bc8dbf]So, if you wish to have a roof of your own son I'd like you to decide where it's going to be if not I can create a room in the keep. Your choice.[/color] *Leans on stone railing overlooking the vast forest below, awaiting your answer.* [/quote] *I hummed in thought, before crossing my arms.* [color=00a651]Not a huge fan of living alone honestly. Despite some of the rather... exotic individuals around here, I think I'd prefer to stick around the keep. After all, worst case, I'll be on hand if something happens.[/color]