[hr][hr][center][h3][color=d19f6a][b]Ed Penior[/b][/color][/h3] [img]https://i.imgur.com/cfmjDDM.png[/img][hr][hr] [b][color=d19f6a]Location:[/color][/b] Westchester, New York, Inside of Xavier's Mansion -> Outside the Mansion [b][color=d19f6a]Skills:[/color][/b] [hr][/center] Ed hadn't officially met Rogue but knew who she was. And had met the Wolverine in their world. They seemed to both know him here though. Not only that but it sounded like he was working with them, which was a bit relieving. He hadn't particularly cared for what he had gathered from the weird memories. He had hoped he hadn't broken his family laws here. [color=d19f6a]"Maybe we should have this conversation outside?"[/color] Bethany had gotten to the heart of it thankfully. He just didn't want to see if Danger was going to wake back up with a nasty headache and decide to take it out on them. He had a sinking feeling too, one he really hoped wasn't true. He glanced at the elevator that the hologram Bloom had gone through. He stepped outside away from Danger. Hoping the others would follow behind. Hoping they wouldn't see his hands shake. What had happened to this world? Where had it gone awry? He knew the version of himself here, in this world, was dangerous. He knew he had made a choice that Ed hadn't made and had never thought he could make. Had he been pulled back from it though? Was the fact that he clearly was working with Wolverine a good thing? Or had Wolverine gone to extremism?