[hider=ERIK][hr][hr][center][color=gold][h1][b]E R I K[/b][/h1][/color][/center][hr][hr] [color=gold][B]| AGE |[/B][/color] [color=darkgray][INDENT][color=gold]“I guess if my math’s right… 77. It’s still a bit hard to get used to not aging…"[/color] [/INDENT][/color] [color=gold][B]| APPEARANCE |[/B][/color] [CENTER][IMG]https://i.imgur.com/KRLenS7.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [color=darkgray][INDENT] Erik stands at 6ft 1in, weighing approximately 200lbs. His skin holds a dark complexion that paints his athletic-toned physique. Upon his head is a bundle of straight white dyed hair, a look he maintains in a world where people can easily forget who he is. The man’s logic is if he has features that stand out to others, he’ll be easier to remember. Though he’s unsure if this actually works, thinking that it does is enough to keep him faithful to his appearance. The thing people will truly remember is that smile of his. Even in some of the toughest of times, he keeps it almost painted over his face. It can be seen as him being optimistic, but it’s more of his way of saying “everything will be okay.” When it comes to attire, Erik usually wears black because he believes it makes people look thinner and it matches with all manner of occasions and dress. When traveling through the Lost infested city, Erik simply wears leather that also allows him to move freely. Armor isn’t something he invests in due to his blood type. During leisure, Erik can be spotted dressing in formal attire but made to be comfortable. A few buttons undone, sleeves rolled up past the elbow, or maybe even the wrong type of shoes. It speaks volumes about his personality. Neat, but not standard.[/INDENT][/color] [color=gold][B]| PERSONALITY |[/B][/color] [color=darkgray][INDENT]Confident, Kind, Passionate, Stubborn, Unconventional[/INDENT][/color] [color=gold][B]| BLOOD CODE / TYPE |[/B][/color] [color=darkgray][INDENT] [color=gold]APOLLO / O[/color] - Erik possesses the ability to create barriers due to his blood type but has found an interesting way to utilize this ability. Like others with the O blood type, Erik is capable of creating wall and dome-shaped barriers for protection and to limit the advancement of his foes. The most intricate part of his barrier conjuration is his ability to shape these projections of energy. The smaller the barrier construct, the easier it is to manipulate. So much so, that he can coat his blades with his barriers to increase their durability. Erik can also augment the nature of his strikes in this way, making them sharper or duller, the latter being an easier feat. Erik’s most cherished use of his ability besides protection would have to be his ability to shape his barriers into arrow-shaped constructs to serve as ammunition for his ranged attacks. It’s not out of the ordinary to spot the man playing with a small barrier in his hands to pass time. His barriers manipulation and potency seem to take away from the length of time he can keep them projected. Erik has noted seeing others of his blood type maintaining barriers for much longer durations than himself while he uses his own to make quick constructs for the set moment in time rather than for sustained use. His barriers are [color=gold]gold[/color] and appear as if kissed by flames.[/INDENT][/color] [color=gold][B]| BACKGROUND |[/B][/color] [color=darkgray][INDENT] [color=gold]“I don't know whether or not I’m lucky to remember a time before the Great Collapse. Many parts of what I can recall of the world before then are hazy and fragmented. It's fond to think back on what once was, but it's haunting too... You know, I wasn’t traditionally a man of arms. Not back then. But I did fight during the event that caused the Great Collapse. Everything was a mess. I enlisted in some kind of militia. I volunteered to fight for those who weren’t able to. I want to believe I had a family, but…” “The only family I can remember are the ones I fought alongside during the calamity. Thinking about it now versus then is kinda funny. I was so sure we could we'd conquer the world… at least in the way we were. As humans.” “I don’t remember how I died, but waking up was a trip. The people around me were the same people I was fighting next to! I didn’t even realize we died until the woman in the white lab coat told us we were no longer regular humans. Revenants. First-generation at that. Then I remember things having to adjust to how the world was now… I can't remember how I even adjust. Just one extreme to another. The world was destroyed and we had BOR parasites in our chests that made us immortal. We'd become powerful in so many ways but there were a few downsides… The frenzies… That was… It was crazy to watch people you knew completely lose themselves. Lost. The name's fitting. They were us without being who they once were... and they’d always come back. Always…” “After the Great Collapse, it was just us surviving and fighting back the Lost in a ruined city… There was someone… they kept me afloat in a world that was drowning everyone…... But I don't remember who it is. I remember so many other things and I have found some of my own vestiges in the past several decades but whoever it is that gave me the drive to keep moving forward and the owner of [i]this blade[/i]... I can’t remember them, but I’m sure whoever they are, they had a huge impact on my life… That’s my greatest fear. Not to forget, but to be forgotten to someone who needs to remember me. Every moment is precious and I want to make sure I only leave memorable ones for those I meet… It’s a bit self-righteous, huh?” “I left Cerberus after that. I wanted to help people out in my own way instead of following orders. This city is small and not the safest, but I managed to make several decades a journey. I met a lot of different people and saw places I didn’t think could exist. Sure, I still had to fight the Lost, but I was a whole lot freer. I lost some good memories here and there, but made some new ones too.” “Then I found a group a few years back. A good one, too. I worked with others here and there over the decades. It’s hard not to with how powerful some of the Lost are out there. Anyway, I really like who I’m joined up with now and I can’t wait to experience all the memories we’ll make."[/color] [/INDENT][/color] [color=gold][B]| SKILLS / EQUIPMENT |[/B][/color] [color=darkgray][INDENT]☀️ MARKSMAN: Whether bow or rifle, Erik possesses an aptitude for ranged combat. Along with the rest of his repertoire, he finds he's best placed at a middle range. ☀️ SWORDSMAN - Once Erik gained enhanced physical prowess from becoming a revenant, he decided to add swordsmanship to his combat. Though he carries two swords, he only ever uses the one depicting half of a sun on it. He claims the other unused sword brings him luck. ☀️ SCAVENGER - Erik has been around long enough to know where to scavenge. The man has an eye for useful resources, even things that can be repurposed for other uses. ☀️ HANDY-MAN - Erik isn't a professional mechanic, blacksmith, or armorer, but he's decent with his hands and willing to patchwork something back together or make a funky-looking gizmo in place of something that was lost or broken. With the right tools and parts, he can repair most things for at least temporary use. ☀️ NAVIGATOR - Erik doesn't just know the ruined city well, he knows how to move through it. He knows where Lost are likely to gather and has knowledge of temporary safe spots to catch your breath. His navigation skills also include his ability to move through the city fluidly. This is a benefit for quick escapes or swift advances. [/INDENT][/color] [color=gold][B]| LIMITATIONS AND WEAKNESSES |[/B][/color] [color=darkgray][INDENT] LIMITATIONS: ☀️ Erik’s barriers are as spontaneous as he is. They don’t remain up for long which requires him to constantly summon/cast them if he is aiming for long-term usage. It works well with keeping him from getting complacent, but the guy can’t even take a moment to relax under the protection of his own barriers. ☀️ Erik suffers from a sort of restlessness in his desire to try to be the big brother of the group. This can leave him tired despite the bombastic air about him. WEAKNESSES: ☀️ Erik’s optimism can sometimes be a hindrance in planning and action when it comes to others. Erik’s “glass is half full” mentality can cause him to be complacent in planning and preparation. He sees others as their best selves. Sometimes it works in motivating his allies, but it can also lead to disappointing results. ☀️ Erik is prone to being overworked even if he doesn’t show it. He’s a powerful ally to have fighting alongside you, but he’ll try to pull his weight, your weight, and the other guy’s too.[/INDENT][/color] [color=gold][b]| NOTES |[/b][/color] [color=darkgray][indent]Erik is often the first to wake for the day and the last to turn in for the night. He’s quite open and nothing is off-limits during a discussion. He thinks the Sidhe are probably the coolest thing he’s come across post the Great Collapse. Erik has an old worn leather wallet. Inside is a photo ID, a few dollar bills, a credit card, and a slip of paper with writing that simply reads [color=gold]“keep your heart”[/color][/indent][/color][/hider] [hider=Erik's Friends 😁][hr][hr][center][color=gold][h1][b]E R I K[/b][/h1][/color][/center][hr][hr] [color=gray][center][b]Role in the team: [color=gold]The Zany Geezer[/color][/b] [/center] 💔 [i]Ex-friends/lovers/enemies[/i] 💛🤍🤍🤍 [i]Neutral[/i] 💛💛🤍🤍 [i]Acquaintances [/i] 💛💛💛🤍 [i]Friends[/i] 💛💛💛💛 [i]Close friends[/i] ❤️‍🔥 [i]Lovers[/i] [center] [h3][color=Indianred][I]Dallas[/i][/color][/h3] 💛💛🤍🤍 [i]“Dallas. He’s pretty new here. Oh, cool name by the way. I… I think I remember a place with that name. Anyway, I think he’s going to fit in just fine here even though seems lost to himself. AB types are usually tough and pull their own weight, but they often have a soft spot somewhere. Someone will find it… Y’know, I think under different circumstances I might have lost as many memories as this guy… I want to get to know him, but how much does he even know of himself?”[/i] [h3][color=Indianred][I]Ionna[/i][/color][/h3] 💛💛🤍🤍 [i]She’s new. Ajax seems drawn towards her which will help bring her into the fold. I give her a warm greeting whenever I’ve seen her. Then again, I do that with everyone. Being in the body of a young girl for the rest of her life has to be tough”[/i] [h3][color=Indianred][I]Ajax[/i][/color][/h3] 💛💛💛💛 [i]“Ajax?! Where to start? Did you know he and I served together in Cerberus? Impressive huh? I thought the sword aesthetic was a bit extra at first, but after fighting the Lost for some time it made sense to use a blade when out on our patrols... Some of my combat is based on what he taught me and I really can’t thank the guy enough for that.” “It’s hard to believe miasma can have such a weird effect on someone so level-headed. I haven’t seen Ajax’s miasma rage, and I think I want to keep it that way. It’s hard enough knowing that he’s forever searching for someone dear to him. Whether memory or in the flesh, I want him to find her.” “I can’t remember who said it, but apparently he keeps me balanced and out of too much trouble. True or not, it’s great having a friend like him around.”[/i] [h3][color=Olivedrab][I]Akaia[/i][/color][/h3] 💛💛💛🤍 [i]“The first Sidhe I ever met! I had so many questions, but she didn’t have too many answers. At least not verbally. Despite her lack of words, I think she enjoys being in the company of others. Not only that but she’s been incredibly helpful in many of our scouting and scavenging operations. Sure, I wish she would talk more, but she tries and that’s all I could ask for.”[/i] [h3][color=Khaki][I]Lysandra[/i][/color][/h3] 💛💛💛💛 [i]“You know at first I wasn’t sure Lys liked me much. Didn’t laugh at my jokes. Didn’t say ‘good’ in her greetings of the day. A smile? I’m not even sure Cerise could have found one on that woman’s face… As the paragon of optimism and persistence, it didn’t deter me in the slightest from trying to befriend her. Plus, we had to share the same workspace haha… But honestly, it wasn’t as difficult as I thought it would be. We just… talked.” “A lot of others might not recognize it, but Lys is extremely helpful. Her delivery isn’t always the best but whatever you get from her whether it be a gadget or advice is always top of the line. That means she cares. At least I believe so.” “If Ajax keeps me from being erratic, Lys definitely keeps me from being a fool. I bounce ideas off of her that occasionally get shut down. Sometimes it's funny. All in all, her genius and her [b]passion[/b] add immeasurable value to our group.”[/i] [h3][color=Indianred][I]Vincent[/i][/color][/h3] 💛💛🤍🤍 [i]“Another new member. I like his spirit so far! Can’t wait to see what he can do!”[/i] [h3][color=Khaki][I]Desmond[/i][/color][/h3] 💛💛🤍🤍 [i]“This guy showed up with his sister a few weeks ago. Most think mortality is always a weakness but I’ve seen the way the guy moves in combat. He leans on the fact that he won’t heal like or come back to life like a revenant.” “The way he cares for his sister and wanting to be useful around the Crow’s Nest until she wakes makes me think he’s a commendable guy… Oh, and I dig the eyepatch.”[/I] [h3][color=Indianred][I]Cerise[/i][/color][/h3] 💛💛💛💛 [i]“Not sure who’s the brightest ray of sunshine between Cerise and I, but she’d probably just say it’s me with how modest she is. In truth, she’s the most approachable in our little group and puts effort within and outside of the Crow’s Nest. The lady dedicated part of her living space to serve as a map of the city!” “I haven’t told her, but the way she affirms the world recovering from the Great Collapse and the Lost keeps me hopeful. My secret source of motivation!”[/I] [h3][color=Olivedrab][I]Poppy[/i][/color][/h3] 💛💛💛🤍 [i]“Pops has to be the most challenging person I’ve ever tried to connect to. And it’s not a [b]me[/b] thing, trust me. She’s been with us a while but tries to keep me and most people at a distance. I mean she gets the job done and is always willing to address anyone’s medical concerns, but that’s it. I consider Pops a friend and I want to get her to open up as a personal project of mine, but the girl doesn’t budge.”[/i] [/center][/color][/hider] [hider=Sasha, the Other Founder] Sasha, a blood type B revenant that could trace her revival as a revenant as far back as Erik and Ajax could. If she was being honest, she couldn’t even remember that far back. There were inklings of her previous life, but nothing she could pin down. However, instead of mulling about her past, the woman focused on the present. She couldn’t tell you if the world would go back to the way it was, but she could damn sure tell you that her current situation would improve as long as she had a say in it. Like many of the long-lived revenants, Sasha was formerly a member of Cerberus. She enjoyed the time she spent with the militarized revenant units but it was a mission that went south that led to her first serious dispersal. The confusion and loss of memories only walked her into a second dispersal that put her in a state where it almost seemed impossible for her to find her way out of the Ruined City. Running into others who had been wandering the ruins had helped her some. It had also hindered her some as well. It was cutthroat out there, especially when she was traveling solo for so long. When Sasha learned of the observatory, a location that could prove to be a safehouse, she moved to take it. Many revenants steered clear of the location due to the number of Lost occupying the area but Sasha knew the shelter’s worth. She fought… and she dispersed against the number of Lost and some were quite powerful. The real issue was that she was alone trying to go head first against an enemy that had her outnumbered. [color=gold]“I think we can take it. Come on! You and me, we got this.”[/color] Erik. A man she thought might be just as stubborn and hardheaded as she was. She wanted the observatory, couldn’t do it alone, and no one else was optimistic (or foolish) enough to help her. Besides, Erik was ex-Cerberus with far more memories intact. It had been a long morning, but also a successful one as the two took the hill and the observatory. And then they took it again… and again… and again. Each time the two coordinated their assaults against the Lost that continued to return as they materialized. It had taken a few months, but the duo managed to push away the regeneration points of the Lost. With the observatory taken, they both agreed to claim it as theirs. It was its vastness and many rooms that made Erik consider taking others in while Sasha was wholeheartedly against the idea. [color=goldenrod]“We took this place, so we get to keep it. We can’t open up these doors to the world out there… I can’t.”[/color] Sasha might have even kicked him out, but the two had fought alongside each other for weeks. The smiling revenant seemed as if he didn’t have a nefarious bone in his body. A rare soul within this ruined world. Besides, holding the observatory alone wouldn’t be feasible. With just two was pushing it. Erik reluctantly agreed not to disagree… for a time. Every few days or so, Erik subtly brought up the tender topic of inviting newcomers. As stubborn about it as he could be, the decision to keep others out stuck… Two manning the fort was no picnic. Someone was always meant to be awake as the two couldn’t afford to be ambushed, especially when the observatory lacked any kind of refurbishing. Then along came Wilson. The man had the habit of arriving at the right place at the right time. He had the pleasure of meeting Erik first and was seeking shelter during a time when Sasha was slumbering after a night watch. Erik welcomed the human in who proceeded to tidy things up that had never been given attention by the two revenants. So much so, that it was difficult for Sasha to bring herself to kick him out once she woke. [color=goldenrod]“You’re just a human anyway. Keep doing stuff like this and you’ve earned yourself a space… And Erik. No more!”[/color] She didn’t mind Wilson, in fact, she found him to be a needed help. He cleaned, prepared meals, and always had an idea that helped make the Observatory the gem it is today. With Erik’s persistence and Wilson’s usefulness, it wasn’t too difficult to sell adding Ajax to the group. She almost hated that Erik was slowly getting what he wanted, but she also started warming up to the idea of being part of a group where each member pulled their own weight. [color=goldenrod]“He keeps to himself and you trust him. You got yourself quite the group. You should name it… Uh, better yet, I think I’ll name it to save us all the dignity.”[/color] Sasha watched as Cerise joined, the sweetest of people. Then Akaia, the first sidhe she had met since the Collapse. Every person was another great addition to the Commune. That she could not disagree, even if she wanted to wipe that damned smile off of Erik’s face. Despite her acceptance, she still kept herself closed off. A cranky, take charge, and sometimes friendly old lady. She often accompanied Erik on scouting missions. Most were successful, and a few were disappointing but there only needed to be one with a fatal conclusion. To be there at the start yet be unafforded the opportunity to see the Commune thrive as it does today. Like a dark twist of one of her playful desires, she managed to see Erik fail to keep up that smile of his. [color=goldenrod]“Erik... Erik, smile. Come on. You got this… For me. For everyone, just smile…”[/color] [/hider]