"Does this happen a lot in Wissenland?" Emmaline asked worriedly, looking around with a sheepish air as Neil showed the guard his identification. The gunnery college was bustling with activity, though it wasn't flooded just yet. It seemed as though the situation of the attack and entrenchment outside hadn't quite hit the normal populace yet. The guard allowed them admittance and opened the door. Neil grabbed Emmaline and hustled her in. "No, of course not." The thief said with a disbelieving chuckle. His eyes didn't show the usual jovialness, he was at this time all business as they moved into the stone hallway. Though even when completely serious, there was a hint of mischief about Neil. The way he moved and the subtle emotions on his face made it seem as though nothing terrible was truly going to happen. Somehow, it was to be just another day. "And we need to figure out just what is going on so we know where to stay." "Where to stay? Not at the tower?" "We can stay there if we're dealing with beastmen or orks. Of course we'll have to board it up anyway, but I doubt they'll swim that far. If it's something a bit more civilized, they might have some boats and reach the island." Neil turned into a corner room, just past a bust of what had to be a famous inventor, and pulled his girlfriend inside. He told her to shut the door, and once she turned around, she saw loads and loads of guns, cartridges, munitions, mixtures, and crates. Neil began filling a napsack with seemingly whatever he could find. "I need a new knife too," he mumbled quietly. "Well considering we just saw fiery beastman melt people, I would say chaos." Emmaline Von Morganstern deducted, picking up a strange stick contraption out of sheer curiosity, like a miniature club more fit for throwing. Neil plucked it out of her hand and stuffed it in the bag. The two theives were cruelly interrupted as the door swung open, a red haired man in a green tunic under his apron swept his gaze across the room as if searching for something before whipping his eyes back to Neil and Emmaline, though his gaze fixed on the engineer. "Neil? What the hell are you doing in here?" He asked suspiciously, then motioned to Emmaline, eyes falling to her breasts. "And who's she?" "Just fetching supplies for Master Urthen. What are you doing in here?" He replied, not bothering to answer the query on Emmaline. Neil raised an eyebrow, suspicious all on his own. "Grimmin needed a count of all our munitions..." The man asked, as if questioning his own actions. Neil shook his head and patted him on the shoulder. "Good, then you can count now that I'm done so you've got accurate calculations." he remarked, swinging his bag onto his back and moving out of there, taking Emmaline by the hand yet again. "Come on, [i]apprentice[/i]. Let's get these to Master Urthen. Be quick about it, Heinrich! We're under siege you know!"