[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/SS9Gk9X.jpg[/img][/center] [color=1BC617]Time: Morning Location: Roshmi City Interactions: Yuka [@princess], Aiko [@CitrusArms], Xavier[@Potter] Equipment: Sword, bow and arrows, small knife, wayfinder, fire kit, a pouch with 117 amas[/color] [hr] [color=B7E3B6][color=1BC617]“A well-trained dragon, if your offering.”[/color] He replied to Yuka as she asked him if he wanted something from the black market. While the rest of what she said mostly danced around his question regarding her new tagalong, it was enough to show she might even have a plan of some sorts or at least the idea of a plan. He noted the way she kept looking at Xavier, winking, and referring to him as key to their success. Orias failed to note anything particularly special about the quiet stranger at Yuka’s side. Orias nodded towards Aiko as they approached with a sleepy greeting. The strange shapeshifting fox creature went on to ask if Nabarra was with them. To this, Orias shook his head. On the one hand, if she had taken off it meant she was probably fine, that the antidote supplied by Yuka had worked out alright after all. On the other hand, he’d been down here since dawn so if she had left, she’d snuck off and that was a cause for concern. Had the dark elf had a change of heart, maybe deciding that turning the rest of them in would earn her favor with The Twin-Headed Dragon? While it made just as much sense that Nabarra, who seemed like a loner anyhow, had simply chosen to go off on her own, it was safer to assume the worst-case scenario. [color=1BC617]“With Nabarra gone it does seem best to recruit elsewhere. Both Ironhold and River Kingdom would be fine choices, both of them lost a prince the other night and will likely seek retaliation. Myriamor and RIver Port are closer but may be more difficult to find recruits.”[/color] Orias offered a few suggestions, although personally, he favored Ironhold as dwarves were known to be excellent soldiers, having spent years battling orcs, as well as being a reliable bunch. He made no mention of his own home, Sun Elf Kingdom, which would likely be a major target for dark elf attacks. [color=1BC617]“But there is no place as grand as Roshmi.”[/color] He added as the thought of not only abandoning another home but leaving it to darkness, felt like an overwhelming failure. [color=1BC617]“And you’re sure Nabarra is gone? If so we should leave quickly, just to be safe.”[/color] He added addressing Aiko directly, curious to hear where the fox creature would suggest they go.[/color]