The whole ordeal of being abducted turned out to have been more tiring than Wyn had thought, allowing him to get some rest even in the unfamiliar bunker. Well, it did help that the place was decorated to look way cozier than what it would have looked like if it actually reflected the current circumstances. He had fortunately been able to find some psychological relief by escaping into his dreams, and that was sufficient to make him forget where he was during the first moment after waking up. He stirred awake at some subtle background noise, rolled over on the couch, and then fell right over the edge, landing on the floor with a thud. He let out a soft groan, the reality of his situation hitting him as hard as the impact of the fall. He rubbed his eyes and blinked to clear his vision before checking the branded analogue watch on his wrist, seeing that it was a little past six in the morning. Roxy sure was up early, though, it probably was not a surprise, considering how on edge she seemed to be about this whole thing as well. They had to have that talk about this chip and where it could be. The only belongings he had from back then were in that parcel back at the campus, and if her father's people were going to search the place like she said they were, they would find it before her. Unless... He glanced back to his watch, only now remembering that it was the only thing he had taken with him after his parents were killed. How could he have forgotten about it the night before? Perhaps it had been the alcohol messing with his ability to recollect what he needed to, but what were the chances of the disc being in the accessory? It would be ideal if it was, then he could just give her what she wanted and it would all be over, right? That was all going to be discussed soon, he figured. It was time to freshen up a little first. "Roxy, hun?" He called out, assume it was her making those sounds. "Where's the bathroom in this place?"