Tori watched with horror as fighter jets pealed out of formation to attack a flying mutant started to decimate the jets with its powers. As a hell fire missile broke from the rail of the plane ahead of her, she pulled up hard. Nosing the jet into a position that hurt to think about. The wings shuttered and a vibration went through the aircraft as the missile’s rocket fired igniting the jet’s engine exhaust and causing the engines to flame out. Tori squeaked 7700 giving Air traffic control the heads up that the plane was in trouble. Tory pushed the nose forward trying to get a controlled fall as she would restart the engines. She was too busy to panic as she watched the mutant coming after the plane. Yanking the stick to the right she started the plane to turn so the nose would be towards the ground gaining airspeed and a boost to the engine restarts. To Tori’s dismay the mutant came and positioned itself on the nose of the jet laughing as she tried to regain control of the aircraft.