[center][img]https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/xYNz5Y2DKS83pKct9KXUY-PvT56r7LfcBYOL5o7bjPM/https/fontmeme.com/permalink/210424/1aacb67ba4eb5c934f204d6669b28a48.png[/img][/center][hr][center][color=CornflowerBlue][b]Location:[/b][/color] Submarine; The White Island [color=CornflowerBlue][b]Interacting with:[/b][/color] Zach ([@Crimson Flame]), Daphne ([@Dreamingflowers]), The Team[/center][hr] In the following minutes after the squid attack, shock turned to anger turned to bright-red fury. As Alisa sat in her seat once again, her lips pursed to a fine line, she wondered how some people were just so [i]stupid[/i]. Dr. Bingley- stupid. Viktor, her maybe-best-friend- stupid and stubborn and unfeeling. How could he be more steel than her, the girl made of it? She found herself getting angrier as she watched him walk back to his seat, utterly unperturbed by Kassy’s silent haranguing. It hadn’t been him who had fired the shot, she knew- but he would have, and was only taking the blame for it in pursuit of the mission goal. The mission. Alisa could have strangled Dr. Bingley right then and there, if she hadn’t been on a mission. She hated people like him- curious without thought of harm, weak and simpering until they had a chance to do something awful and took it. He reminded her a bit of her mother and the people who had helped make her, she realized. That hit her harder than she expected. Viktor’s overheard conversation with Daphne made her even angrier. Alisa sat and listened silently, not acknowledging that she was hearing a thing. Daphne and she had spoken about their similar origins a bit ago, and she knew what it felt like to be an object of fascination. Of study. He had contacted her father? Without even asking Daphne first? If he had done that to her… if she were less competent, he might have. [hr] Listening to Dr. Bingley’s speech just made her hate him more. Although Alisa didn’t entirely get magic, she understood enough to know that that was eugenics, and definitely not okay. Zach leaned in to say something to her, and she found herself nodding. [color=CornflowerBlue] “It bothers me too,”[/color] she whispered back. [color=CornflowerBlue]“This guy is such a prick.”[/color] Then, the next disaster happened. Alisa wasn’t entirely sure what the Deluge was, but they needed to go reinforce the aquarium. Ugh. Underwater fighting wasn’t Alisa’s expertise. She was with Daphne and Zach- a good group. She swam over to Daphne with Zach. [color=CornflowerBlue]“Looks like we need to get going to the aquarium. We’re gonna do great.”[/color] She wasn’t sure if she meant it or not, but her voice didn’t betray much insecurity. She smiled from beneath her helmet.