[quote=@yoshua171] I may be enjoying this a bit too much lol [hider=World stuff]A world cast afloat in the cosmos by one of many Arbiters of creation, wrought of the conscious essence of the all-powerful Aleph, Tir na Itheil was a world of strange paths. Where most Arbiters formulated worlds of purest Order, this one was of a unique caste, and so their universe, their Test, it was a thing of foggy definitions and mystical workings. With the advent of its creation, the Archfey bore themselves once more into the newborn planes of a forming principality. However, warped by the twisting laws of that plane, their manifestations were changed. Thus, Itheil was born. [hr] –So spoken by a wiseman, thinking he knew the nature of their world– The gods, unnamed and numberless. Unknowable, they roamed the void, devoured, devouring, they spewed their blasphemous waste into the emptiness and borne of it was the world, impure, imperfect, yet beautiful in its way. Interest piqued, the unknown gazed upon their creation, and their attention drove fear through the world. From it spawned motion and from this arose time...and life. Curious and sickly, they weaved themselves through this world’s shadow, casting their palid light upon us and creating the Luzna. Demi-gods, those horrible children wrestled in the empty sky and burrowed into the earth, seeding it with their essence as they played among the world’s laden bones. Of them we know eight and of those remain only four, two whom slumber, one who reaps, and its hated sibling who gives in kind. [center]- - - - - - - - - -[/center] To those who would seek out these frightful forces of madness most cosmic, heed these words and holdfast your mind. Generous Navreden, he who gives and gives, Twisting--its gifts taking more than they are worth. Beneath, yet among us there lies Gnev, unconscious, yet restless...violent. It is Simmering Rage--Unbridled--and of those who touch its dreams, only the maddened remain. Mir, kindest of the four, resists the night with endless vigilance, so that the Peaceful Rest of Death may hold others eternal. In her shadow, the dead dream--finally sated and content. Last among them is Tvorec, a shuttered light, blinded--blinding. It sleeps, but in this rest, it weeps, and its tears reforge the world, bringing forth an Unbound, Purposeless, Creation. In this world, many mortals dwell, seeking to survive, striving to avoid the notice of the Gods and their nightmarish children. Yet, some reach further, their gaze looking beyond, wondering at the true nature of existence, and what an unshackled life might entail. Among these pitiful few were twins who would come to be known as Saviours, Saints, and Gods. Their names were Lírha and Lhuré and they would rise above all others. [hr] In a world of nine realms, there are only three relevant to our tale. The first, and simplest, is Laghrian, otherwise known as Within. This realm is divided into three distinct areas, ordered like concentric circles. At its very center, there is a place of utter Chaos, it is uninhabitable as a result. In a great ring surrounding this is the habitable zone. Beyond it is an ever-changing place of swirling eldritch power. Passing this boundary leads to the Geil, a place of Dread filled with unknowable forces. Further out from there is the Expanse, a realm overlapping with all others. It is here that the numberless gods remain, sleeping, watching, and flitting in and out of existence. (Generosity - Twisted)Navreden, he who gives and gives, twisting--its gifts taking more than they are worth. (Simmering Rage - Unbridled)Gnev, ever sleeping, yet restless...violent. Of those who touch its dreams, only the maddened remain. (Peaceful Rest - Death)Mir, who never rests so others may lie eternal. In her shadow, the dead dream, finally sated and content. (Creation Unbound - Purposeless)Tvorec, a shuttered light, blinded, yet blinding. It sleeps, but in its sleep it weeps...and its tears reforge the world.[/hider] Note: This is in the idea stages, so some names and the like are almost sure to change. [/quote] Dang, noice. You really went all out here. In terms of world lore (and I'm assuming this is merely the lore from the world your character is from), this looks pretty sweet. The only problem I can see is the length. The GM doesn't want to deal with hyper amounts of detail initially (that stuff may or may not become relevant down the line, however), so you'll need to try and summarize the relevant bare-bones down to about 1 paragraph (MAYBE 2 at a stretch). The GM specifically wants fairly short character sheets if at all possible. You're plenty free to put the full lore in a hider on the CS right under the summarized section (as I did for my Ascent section). GM doesn't mind the full lore being a bit lengthy so long as the actual surface-level CS bits tell him everything that is relevant to the character's abilities in about as few words as possible. That goes for nearly every section. Assume that basically everything except the Legend, Ascent and Ephemera should be basically one paragraph at most.