[@Timemaster] Embarrassingly looking at the control panel for the elevator. Real smooth there Niel. In fact that’s the smoothest you’ve ever been. “Smoothly” walking in attempting to be more graceful, as Chie looks like she’s going to hurl on the nice rich man’s carpet. Are we still eating the rich or not eating this richy rich? He notices another guy trying to sneak in. Does he think he’s going to go unnoticed in a room? Let’s see. We have a kid. That reads Trauma waiting to happen. Yes, he read the age restrictions, yes he is aware that there would be kids. No he didn’t realize anyone would actually hire kids. This world is kind of fucked if you think about it. No one is outright objecting to getting kids killed or injured. Guess it makes sense, superheroes have never heard of child labor laws. Got a guy who gives him the impression of the one in charge. Younger than him, but he knows that stance and that eagerness in his eye. Fuck. He’s feeling old and he’s only fucking twenty. Guess twenty is the new sixty and sixteen is the new twenty. Another seventeen year old. Chie. [color=fff200]“Oh my, oh my. Looks like we’ve got the baby Joker in person. Hey there kiddo!”[/color] Baby Joker? His eye twitches a little and doesn’t register what else Ashe is saying. Baby Joker is fighting words. Now Niel remembers about being smooth. Smooth personality. Not your smooth brain. See be cool. You can be cool. Not an absolute nutcase. See. Chill. Not everyone who mentions Joker is- -Did she just pour water over Chie!? Even though he has his limits, “Baby Joker is a nice one. So, what do they call you? The Rude Witch of the West.”