~Fine, i'll just pick a place; Cape Verde. Lets just meet up there, I've heard it's very nice and full of people.~ Alice decided to just blurt out. She hoped that she made it sound like she too would have to travel there. It would attract everyone yes, but better that and find people like her than to stay alone. They could unite and fight against the government forces. They must be stronger as a group... right? Alice was unsure about the others but she felt that she would be fairly safe on the island with her plants. There was flora everywhere, she would be alright. She just had to convince herself of that. Alice methodically and passionately planted her seeds. She would come back tomorrow to help them grow. Standing up she gathered a hose and began to water the plants and give them as much of a head start as she could. ---------- Makoto had been sitting quietly listening to the interchange of voices. It was good then that she came to Cape Verde. She was quietly waiting in a local clinic for her supplies, keeping aware of her surroundings as much as possible without being totally obvious. Her way of doing so was to change the air around her ever so slightly. Normal people would think it felt ever so slightly different but not enough to pay any attention to it. Makoto however was attuned to feel for a disturbance in her little 'bubble'.