Persephone: go to bed york Persephone: bring bagels tomorrow It takes far less time than expected for Pink to barge through the door, and Elodie does not see that coming. She swells up and off the stool she'd been sitting on, bobbing up and down like a cork in a swell away from the door, never getting actual airtime. As she does she fumbles her phone, bouncing it off a hand, before a tentacle snares it midair. "Shhh, sshshhshh. Sleeping guy. Behind the couch." She takes a second to slow her breathing and then crosses the room in a few quick motions, grabbing everything Pink's carrying and squeezing her in a hug. "Thank you, sorry, I actually needed a friend here, today was shit and I can't yell about it because Marco. Uh. There's a mouse furry named Marco who's hiding from the cops and he's asleep behind my couch. So. That's been my day." She's clearly jittery and the empty stimulant packaging on the counter gives a solid hint why. She reheats the soup, puts the rest on the counter, bolts the door, and retreats to the bedroom. "Good soundproofing in here. Won't wake him up. Anyway, he broke in while we were out. He's sufficiently rattled to think all the cops want him dead, and Black has what he took from the cops. So... part of why I wanted you here was so you could figure out how much heat this is bringing. But also I have had a [b]day[/b]." She slumps onto the bed, sipping the soup straight from the bowl. "And I did not want to deal with that alone. So thank you for coming, even though I snapped at you earlier. And sorry about that." [quote]Failed the roll to safely vigil: she's had a day.[/quote]