Melissa watched the other people's antics with a mixture of amusement and exasperation. This was who she'd be working with? She couldn't decide which of them bothered her the most. No...the kid definitely bothered her the most. Not that there was anything wrong with him, she just didn't particularly like the idea of relying on a child to watch her back. Plus she never really knew how to behave around them, not surprising really given how she'd pretty much skipped the child phase altogether. Another thing daddy dearest was responsible for. She had no idea what to make of the guy who suddenly became a lot bigger and a hell of a lot more ugly. She'd maintained her usual relaxed demeanor with an effort when all she'd really wanted to do was either hit it or leg it and she still wasn't sure which of the two she would have chosen. But since it seemed content to just stand there and look intimidating she held off on the running or fighting...for now. She was confused and a little concerned about the guy who'd basically had a meltdown at an inanimate object. Sure elevators weren't great but she'd never felt the urge to go homicidal on one, but then maybe the guy knew something she didn't about thw true evil of elevators? She smiled slightly at that. Next up under her observation was the girl who looked like she might have a heart attack any minute, not helped by having fake...real ish water? Dumped on her. Then there were the two in their hero costumes which she couldn't help thinking was a bit overkill. But she couldn't deny that the guy in the white suit looked pretty damn good in it. Obviously connected to Black Panther in some way given the whole feline theme he had going on. She wondered if he was from Wakanda, she'd always fancied going there someday. Maybe he'd invite them all for a visit one day? A girl could hope. The hero aptly named...Hiro had some sort of metal suit though she couldn't quite see the power ranger that the girl who apparently couldn't stay still for more than a minute, had called him. Still it was an impressive getup and she made a mental note to ask him about it later. She wasn't a big fan of tech and was always worried that if her harness got damaged she'd not know how to repair it but between Stark and this guy she thought that might not be a worry any more. She was debating whether to say something, anything really to calm this shit show down but was distracted by coffee. She stared down at the cup the girl, Ashe?, had handed to her. She took a cautious sip and found it was actually sweet enough for her tastes. [color=green]"Now that."[/color] She grinned at Ashe. [color=green]"Is a useful ability. Who needs to order delivery when we have you."[/color] Her tone was light, teasing, taking the sting out of the sarcastic words. She raised the cup deciding she liked Ashe. [color=green]"Thanks, I pretty much live on caffeine and get real grouchy when I'm low."[/color] She looked at the others gathered around. [color=green]"Well shit, I thought I'd mixed with an odd crowd back in Star City."[/color] She looked at Stark.[color=green]"I don't envy whoever you've roped in to train us into the perfect superhero team."[/color] Stark raised an eyebrow. "Oh? Doubting your teammates already [b][i]Songbird[/i][/b]?" He emphasised her code name, perhaps to see if any of the others recognised the name. [color=green]"Nope, I was actually thinking that I know how teenagers behave especially teenagers with powers. Hell some of the pranks Speedy used to pull on me..."[/color] She grinned in memory. [color=green]"There were a few times I thought Green Arrow was going to shoot us both out of sheer irritation, and that was just two of us."[/color]