[quote=@James Davy] "Bravo, Jeremy!" Donald applauded, "If you were this great in rehearsal, it'll be a great pleasure performing with you once the real McCoy starts happening." [/quote] Jeremy: *Grins* I've been doing this since i was 13. Actually since i was 12... but at first... nobody knew of it. Well... nobody outside of school and Sandy. My sisters and Mom... they had no idea. In fact... I remember the afternoon that i was attacked for being gay. It was a couple hours after the altercation that came at the break time... She spoke with the principal and as mom would tell it... IT happened like this... Jeremy flashes back... "[img]https://therhapsodyfamilyuniverse.files.wordpress.com/2019/01/macie-melody-the-rising-star-lightfoot-513.jpg[/img] Macie: *Walking into the Principal's office* Principal Stevens. Principal Stevens: Mrs. Lightfoot. I do apologize for calling as i had. but it was for a reason... and anything that happens to any student... it's on us to handle. Sometimes making calls such as the one i've made to you... is needed. It's common sense to inform the parents. It's their right to know what's going on with their kids. Macie: I get that. I do understand. But i'd like to know what's going on with my son Jeremy. Is he okay? Where is he? Principal Stevens: He's in the nurses office. Getting tended to. He was a little roughed up and took some licks. But if nothing more... his pride and self confidence has been wounded quite a bit. Macie: Please... Just tell me what happened. Please. Principal Stevens: I'll get to that. But i should ask first... what the heck is going on with him and his looking like one of Desmond Napoles's drag kid looks from back when he was 12? I get that he's the known godfather to him as it says in the school records. But... Jeremy is a sporting young youth. Gay. clearly. But... Looking like Desmond. Isn't that one to be detrimental to Jeremy when he gets older? Macie: I took him to someone who knew how to help. People don't realize that there is a wizard in town. I went to him and he turned Jeremy into looking like Desmond's one Drag kid look. You will be stunned to know why i've done it. It's because yesterday night i caught him in a dress. He was wearing one of my dress's. A flower designed dress. Also wearing lipstick with sparkles. Plus eye shadow. Make-up and blush. He was wearing it. My make-up. I for the longest time noticed lipstick on him. Noticed that one of my lipsticks were missing. Every other day... a different one would be missing. interchanged. I for a while before last night reaching a decision... never put much mind to it as i usually got so busy trying to raise my kids... trying to also handle my career obligations as well as keep things rolling. So it never struck me. I didn't take much to notice that one of my lipstick's would be missing and each other day... a different one. One would go missing... and then 2 days later the one that was missing would be right where it was... and a different one would go missing. Two days later it was returned and a different one would... Poof! go missing. It was like a pattern. every two days a different one would go missing. Last night... it was the straw that really sealed it. My son was a gay youth. A closet gay boy. I caught him doing it. So... it was that point where i knew... he was a gay youth. A possible awakening drag kid. I knew that he was different and feeling like he was maybe a struggling kid in coming out with who he felt... but i never would figure that what he had been caught doing last night... would be the result. I never saw it coming. Not like that. But it happened. [img]http://kissthemgoodbye.net/movie/albums/Jurassic%20World%202015/Jurassic_World_KISSTHEMGOODBYE_NET_SCREENCAPS_1079.jpg[/img] [img]http://kissthemgoodbye.net/movie/albums/Jurassic%20World%202015/Jurassic_World_KISSTHEMGOODBYE_NET_SCREENCAPS_1077.jpg[/img] Principal Stevens: *Stern; To Macie* And it took till last night... [img]https://therhapsodyfamilyuniverse.files.wordpress.com/2019/10/jeremy-kelly-lightfoot-nickname-passion-kiss-8.jpg[/img] [img]https://therhapsodyfamilyuniverse.files.wordpress.com/2019/10/jeremy-kelly-lightfoots-drag-kid-looks-10.jpg[/img] *Pointing to the photos of Jeremy before the current look and after look* after possible many weeks of him acting a bit strange... Wearing one of your dresses. Your make up and lipstick to reach the point of having to stage an intervention. Raised him as a kid with a struggling identity. He is clearly embracing all of the perks of being a young gay kid... for the very first time. Letting it all out. Kissing other boys in school. He does not even know what is happening. As a mother... you should know this. I'm a parent myself, Mrs. Lightfoot and even i would catch signs that something odd was going on with one of my own kids. Not right away... if i didn't happen to know what i was looking for. But i wouldn't turn a blinds eye to it till it all of a sudden got too far to where you couldn't deny it. Couldn't blow it off as just a phase. Macie: Hey. I am doing the best i can. I can't monitor every little thing that happens. In order to do that... I'd have to lojack him... Lojack my kids and i won't do that. I'm a mother. Not a Warden. Principal Stevens: No... Just a bit irresponsible. You don't have to LoJack them. But to go around and not notice signs that pointed out... "Hey, i think that there's something rather off about my son or daughter." That's like letting them go out freely without restraints and get into all sorts of possible trouble. You do realize that... that's how more and more young kids start getting into gangs. Fighting. Doing drugs. Drinking. Smoking. It's because of parents... out there... not keeping a sharper eye on their kids. You have lived in a viscous bubble thinking that things would be all pure. Loving. Innocent. It isn't. It'd be nice if they were... Innocent. pure. Clean. But... they're not. Nowhere remotely close to that. Macie: I sense that you see the word "Fool" written all over me. Principal Stevens: No. I don't. I just feel rather sorry for you. Wanting to believe that things were always good. It's not. Not to shoot the walls and divert from the subject here... I am however... a subtle fan of what you are. All the CD's in Vinyl. LP and CD's. Macie: I... wow! Okay. That's refreshing. Principal Stevens: 20 years ago the heroes were being sneered at and made into unwanted individuals. No one wanted them. No one turned to go after the LGBTQ individuals. There wasn't a need for doing as such. No need to raise a stink. But as the years progressed... People regrew to tolerate the heroes. The ones which... yes had abilities and powers. Only now to gradually come right on after the people who were same sex oriented. Same gender. 12 years ago... there was some discontent of LGBTQ individuals being among the rest of the crowds here. Desmond was safe here. He knew to play both gay... and straight. Even a little bi. But he was neutral. So even though he was admittedly gay. No one messed with him. no one bothered him much at all. 5 years later... from that... Things started to slowly but noticeably fuel up on the hatred of LGBTQ people. Gay people in general. Not directed at any specific person. Just a grand general population of all those... who were. Over the last couple years... it got to where people saw it as a disease. a dirty existence not meant to even be among the normal straight bracket. Now all of a sudden... in comes your son... Jeremy. He comes in... Looking like this: [img]https://therhapsodyfamilyuniverse.files.wordpress.com/2019/10/jeremy-kelly-lightfoots-drag-kid-looks-10.jpg[/img] ! He comes looking like a Desmond Napoles... Desmond is Amazing copycat. Desmond wasn't a miscreant. Nor a bad kid. He was a wonderful kid. Sharp nose. strong ambition. Rather dramatic at times because there were such conservative people always hounding him and with the bull they put on him... it's a wonder that he didn't crack up. Anyone else... They would have just said the hell with it all and that was it. Suicide city. Which is sad because with the social media out there... Cyber bullying can cause a person to want to commit suicide after a while because it gets to be too much. Worse after a while. But Desmond. No. He took things to heart and became his own black bird. Flipped the script and came off with the "Don't pay the haters no mind as they'll never be as fierce as you and I" line. It worked. It worked and he kept it all through his life. Your son Jeremy is no Desmond. No matter how much he may look like him... he isn't. He never will be. Now... is that like saying Jeremy's a bad kid? No. He's not. He's a great kid. Sharp. Strong in mind and he's also very direct in what he's after. He is polite. Well spoken. Plus he can carry a tune. Singing like Jim Nabors and Tim Curry. Then as Cher and Taylor Swift plus Katy Perry... Combined. He retains what is said in class and also can answer them with his own... flair. Macie: My son can sing. Sing? I... i never knew that he could sing... Not openly. At home... he was always so reserved. afraid to come out with that. Or the fact that he was... a gay youth. *Sighs happily* Wow. Seconds later... Macie: Where's my son? Still in the Nurse's office? Principal Stevens: Yes. You can go and see him if you like. In the future though... please do ensure that you keep close watch on all that your son does. Being Gay is not a crime. A person is free to be how he so chooses. But in the end... in these times where Gayness and same sex admiration's are being under the attack... it isn't as safe as one would wish to believe. Macie: I'll be sure to do that. Thank you." Jeremy: It's been like that... but i have been dubbed "Passion Kiss" for the first time by Sandy. Sandy: Very true. Jeremy Dubbed me "Rainbow Kiss" for the first time during that time... The alias stuck since. Jeremy: I sang since 12. A few times been heard singing "The Impossible Dream" A group of people have made belief that i sounded with a mixture of Jim Nabors, Tim Curry... then when it's a high pitch... it's a mix between Cher, Taylor Swift and Katy Perry. Anistar: Blows your mind.... doesn't it? They spoke of it for a few more minutes... What more could they say?