[@Timemaster] “The Rude Witch of the West? Not funny...daddy should've taught you how to make better jokes.” Has she ever met his Pops? His jokes are never funny. Gruesome, sure. The punchline always ends up in someone’s torment. Or it’s extremely corny and no one is laughing, there’s just dead silence. The literal kind of dead silence and then the not so literal dead silence. Sure he recognizes Ashe. From his Teen Titan days, but nothing seems to have changed. Sure he had a meltdown in an elevator, but he wasn’t openly hostile to people. What a way to make friends. Let’s douse someone with water or illusionary water. Let’s pretend to drop a guillotine - Looking back at the “guy” who had attempted to weasel his way in without being noticed, is now a hulking four armed monster. Chie freaks out, she jumps into the air like a mouse before toppling over. “You have an odd way of making friends,” Niel tells Ashe, “Being openly hostile with others.” He takes another second. Watching her interact with the rest. Sure he’s not always the best person to be around. Yes, he is a walking neon sign of mental issues. But treating one girl right, and the rest the way she did. Didn’t sit right with him. And there’s no way of making that funny. He steps forward as she is interacting with the other young woman he doesn’t know by name. “Hey Ashe, since we’re airing people’s laundry out,” Niel begins, “How long are you going to stay here before you decide that the hero's life isn’t for you? Yeah I broke an elevator panel, not my finest moment I admit, but I am not trying to catch ants with a magnifying glass and hot sauce.”