Hello outsiders! Welcome to this very specific interest check. If you're not over 18, I suggest you don't read on, but don't be shy as you won't have any explicit shamelessness here! Just know that this is an interest check with smut elements, so if you're underage, we won't be able to play. I am Abraham and I'm your host in this dark and unknown land. I'm a young man in my early 20s, and I have nearly a decade of experience in text-based roleplaying. English is not my native language so, although I don't believe this will be a problem, expect some occasional errors. I come through this interest check to seek a partner who is at least semi-lit to play with me in a low fantasy adventure set in modernity. In this universe, there are no creatures like werewolves, vampires, or zombies. But there is something enigmatic and mystical about the atmosphere. Plants communicate with themselves in an organized way, out-of-body forces influence powerful people, and fate does indeed seem to be written in the stars. This is a roleplay highly inspired by the Netflix series "The OA" and "Stranger Things" but don't expect its canon elements. There is not a series of body movements that can take you to other dimensions. There is no monster capable of tearing through the fabric of space to devour little children in a country town. But there is a fine mist spreading across the world and causing wild animals to flee. There's a club in San Francisco where people walk in and don't want to leave. And then there's my character and your character that will eventually meet and become a couple unlocking all the mysteries of this world. Our characters will begin their adventure in the mysterious "Chameleon Disco" a new club in the city of San Francisco, California. Every person who enters this place seems to be automatically attracted to someone else. And the same happened with y/c and m/c. They felt magnetically pulled together in an unprecedented way. It's not like they loved each other instantly, but they felt a desire to spend that incredible night without letting go of each other. The next day, even though they enjoyed the memory of the night before, they felt uncomfortable as if something was missing. From that point on, the characters will get more and more involved and seek to unravel the mystery of the CamaleĆ£o nightclub and what its connections are with the mist that has spread. If you're still interested, here are some guidelines: [indent] 1. This is an RP where romance and smut are needed. Therefore you must be 18+. Also, all characters must be 20+. Not every scene will be full of smuttiness, but it will be present throughout the entire game. I look forward to exploring some of my kinks and am open to discussing yours as well. 2. I only play male characters and want a partner who also plays male. The creation of your character is your prerogative, but it must fit well with m/c and within the universe in which the RP will develop. We can discuss its conception via PMs. 3. I hope you write at least halfway decently and that you give me in every post something I can playback with. Of course, mistakes happen, and I make them too, but I ask you to pay attention to your writing and especially be creative to develop our story. 4. Don't ghost me. I look for a partner who can RP at least 2-3 posts per week. Of course, there are moments in life when it's not possible to pay attention to such a small part, but if you believe that you can't dedicate yourself to creating so much at that moment, please don't waste your time and mine. 5. Be communicative. I love to talk OOC, and I like to befriend the people I play with, so don't be shy and chat. Still on the previous topic, if something is affecting you, or if the game doesn't seem to be working for you, let me know, and we can end (or pause) on a friendly note. [/indent] You can contact me through PMs or post here. I'll update the post tomorrow with my characters' CS.