"How eloquently put, Ashe. I think you're missing the point. If you're as willing to do what it takes, you can start by apologizing for the mess you created" Stark said, as he ushered the younger woman towards Chie, who had received a bottle of water from one of the many drones. She was now leaning against he wall, recovering with a scowl on her face, her harsh glare fixed on Ashe. "If you want to stay in this team, you won't play hero. You'll be a hero. You said it yourself, you don't much of a choice. So quit making a scene" He sternly proclaimed. Readjusting his tie and letting out a huff of frustration, Tony prepared himself for an ordeal of epic proportions. Dealing with the youth was never his strong suit. Babysitting youthful super powered twerps, was a whole other headache. "I've chosen each of you for a reason. It'd be better to play nice with the team, rather than be openly hostile. I would know, I've been put in a situation like this before. I know you're all out of your element but imagine how I felt when I first met J'onn, and don't even get me started on Thor. He nearly caved in my suit the first time we met" He stated calmly, a mix of trying to soothe nerves and also his own reminiscing. He couldn't help but think back to the motley crew he had worked with in this very room. "So before you guys start ripping each other apart like wolves, why don't we get some introductions underway? If you haven't guess, I'm Tony Stark" He stated before tapping the core on his chest. A mettalic suit of armor quickly wrapped around him, giving Iron man his iconic suit. "You might know me better like this. Now, why don't we have this conversation as we walk? You'll be staying here, surely you want to see what all we have to offer" He added.