[img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/434870a8-d8da-4a60-9fb9-6c1c66316c7c.png[/img]This section is for my Polish U.N.S.C. Army SPARTAN trooper, and is my actual Field Major Xbox Live rank. Came from planet Poland to the U.N.S.C. Army. Well, the Role-Play is not Poland specific, and with Halo Infinite it makes sense to me that if the people had no Kingdom to call their own that they'd just enter the U.N.S.C. SPARTANS. I've only been doing this Role-Play to strengthen my virtue with Poland, because it was the only PvP video game console video game that tried to peer pressure me somehow. So, to not accept supporting the Roman's virtues I practiced safe Armying. So, my SPARTAN came from a Poland planet, and didn't need to do the SPARTAN Academy. But my SPARTAN isn't anything more than a Land Force Officer, my Field Major, thanks to being an Officer I got to reduce the injections to just being capable of using the armor - not gaining height, destroying walls, no deformaties, not mutations, nothing super, and I can still make love. But it's still the same thing - I just can't do the imaginary stuff like falling through orbit and survive- without a chance. I started Xbox Live with Xbox 360 around 2007 (My father imposed the Nintendo 64 on me and my sister when I was 4, and gaming somewhat had it's own culture I saw at that age. There're many video game consoles at the apartment complex; Super Nintendo Entertainment System, and a SEGA were the one's I learned of my populace. I had gotten a Atomic Purple Gameboy COLOR before the original Xbox, even. I chose to be committed to the Xbox when it came out, so as to not lose intelligence with the Playstations) specifically to PvP Halo starting with Halo 3. I had made multiple accounts on the first Xbox on Halo 2's multiplayer, naming them after my burg's neighbors, as they appreciated the game but lacked the time to make accounts because they were mainly my sister's friends- and they never did play, but the randomization the game made of each armor per name made me want me to roleplay Halo someday bravely not as Sierra-117 but as my own trooper, because I learned to appreciate the virtue I had within myself and began to appreciate that they weren't "neighbors" but just teenagers and in a burg (though I was still a companion)- although I prefer "commando" not "soldier" so only when I was an accomplished gamer at Halo did I rejuvinate from the game's "commando" to "trooper" to roleplay into other spectrums of war, like Barbarian, or basic Earth land forces. I joined a company called "DRO Gaming" too on Halo 3, and changed my name to "DRO Acid". "DRO" was "Dedication, Respect, Order". It didn't last long for me, the company tried to sell it's own website. A shame I think, because there're 100+ members, and I was part of a division seperate from whome I played with to induct myself to their company. But I did learn to use the Battle Rifle with them in 8 player duels thanks to that FORGE dexterity. Later I appreciated the Squad Automatic Weapon specifically thanks to that training. The armor in Halo 3 helped me fufill my initial duty, but it wasn't expanse like the way 343 Industries proves. Still, ROGUE was good enough to commemorate EVA later for "3rd-person" roleplaying(I'm a 1st/2nd-person roleplayer type). As time went on I regained the roleplay with Halo 4's armor's- starting as ROGUE to level 77, then years later I returned to Halo 4 and used HAZOP to 96 (as well as finally beat my Halo 1 {ANNIVERSARY} on heroic solo, then some year later I got to MCC and H5). I've finished Infinite, as well as all the other Halo game's so I returned to Halo 5. I'm now 100+ on Halo 5 and have VECTOR skills too. Now that I'm mature enough to comprehend the situation (being that my character ingame is no longer Role-Playingly proving safe virtues {thanks to changing my Xbox Live Tagname to an original animal type} like an action figure but on the T.V., since I'm just being tactical now and reporting bad players) I am affirming to be an ARMY based Spartan-4 from a Poland planet. [hider=Private First Class to Lieutenant] I started in a Poland planet. I skateboarded, partied, and was a thief. Around the age of 27 I joined the Polish Army. I worked with dirt motorcycles. An option to enlist for the U.N.S.C. became available as they were vsing an alien race against all humanity, known as "The Covenant". I, then a 1st Lieutenant, allowed myself with proper knowledge acquired to join their SPARTAN commandos. The armor could be done without the injections, they just did injections to have the SPARTANS incredious. By the time the SPARTAN-4s the injections were replaced with actual tactics, and only used by personnel with physical fitness. [img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/fa824ca2-dc63-4035-b3bc-3f22d20ea5bb.png[/img] I had to regain my rank, which was not a problem. After basic training I became a Private First Class specifically within the SPARTAN U.N.S.C. ARMY. I joined a company named "DRO" that were both English and Polish. I didn't need armor changes for a while, but for the intial years I used the ROGUE Helmet with a Close-Combat-Quarters knife-chest piece. I prospered into using flamethrowers, incediary grenades, and other pyro certifications, [img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/bde69455-2bde-49ea-b251-846ceb024631.png[/img]so I changed my color to "coral" from the brown- because it had a good hype to it, and included green as a secondary, and peach as a trigonomy. When I attained the rank of Lieutenant I opted to change my ROGUE Helmet for the E.V.A. Helmet.[/hider] [hider=Lieutenant to Captain]I accomplished getting to the rank of Captain and tried the whole HAZOP armor fortunately, my skills with the E.V.A. Helmet had gotten me use of a special VISR titled "Verdant", too.[img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/69d5c95e-0106-4ec0-beef-18d6ad7551f4.png[/img][/hider] [hider=Captain to Major]I had become ready to commit to a full ROGUE armor system after my use with the HAZOP type, but I abdicated to use the VECTOR armor to recure precedence. During which I used a "Royal" VISR.[img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/aded5d9d-f7fb-451b-8f9d-41982608c065.png[/img][/hider] [hider=Field Major]After that incredulous mission in VECTOR armor I opted to use the "Primeval" VISR and remantled to my ROGUE Helmet, but the Vector Armor stayed. I've been committed to my ROGUE Helmet and VECTOR Armor for the rest of their covenant-war. During the CORTANA skirmish I lastly used an Interceptor Helmet and the Cinder Armor - After the Cortana conflicts I returned to my Poland planet to help fortify them against the centurion-robots thunk as "Constructs".[img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/cfeca8a6-ab5a-4f92-9c67-3b41319d9f9d.png[/img][img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/7c5b8717-db0a-41be-b8d8-70d8b0069986.png[/img][img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/50f26475-e0a9-4730-9a9c-41c2bcbe3318.png[/img][/hider] I've been called a "Monkey" amongst peers, but I valued my own experiences and earned respect with calling myself a "Viper". Those peers didn't relent becoming monkies, but not all did after my fight. I intend to use the DRO company in my roleplay because I imagined being courtious originally with the Halo 2 component-name-randomizations to be camouflaged within my own shadow, for feats of might... That being venom, thus far, thanks to my Xbox Live name having gone from immaturity over the years, to "DRO Acid" symbolizing a semblence of maturity - so, I created an original Viper name when my partying was settling down and I had returned to Xbox to treasurize it. The first word is a lowercase adverb so as to not have viewers think of my whole name as like a super thing on Xbox Live but specifically instead orientated for the next word "Viper". [i]My Party-Animal Halo Halo[/i]. I said it above, that I started on televison First-Person-Shooters with Halo 2. It being my first first-person-shooter I learned to appreciate it as my mlg, that being Halo specifically, hoping it'd virtue me correctly into the world of video game consoles, or digital games as a "Sellsword". In America appropriately the virtue would be towards Ranger, and similar nobilities, delving only to them being words like "Commando" or "Prince". I had yet to appreciate "Knight", but knew to appreciate the other types. Overall with camping trips with family or Polish camp frequently before High School graduation I gradually accepted Ranger because I very seldom came about a boy or girl that virtued Knight, or Princess. So, with needing to prove I had a comprehension of advancement in the family, by attempting to gain favor with who I am, I got my father because he had a DvD console and was playing with the plasma televisions cabling at the new house. With my mother having only ever trashed my toys and refurbished my room without telling me at the old house, my placement as a guardian of my family were limited - so when a chance of "teenage" had happened my Freshman year of High School for Xbox Live I "Sellsworded" myself to have them not deflect the situation and hinder me into needing to be crafty and do it myself - so I seized being a teenager and provoked my father to use a person my family tried to party at with me in tow, but not my sister... They were failing to provide a safe environment for me, but were allowing it for my sister, but they were all Polish people regardlessly. So, the one adulterous lackey of a party with a playstation 2 I whimsilly used as a parlay to my father to get to install the Xbox Live on my Xbox 360. Now - skipping to the Halo Party. My first Halo school consciousness came around 7th or 8th Grade with a system-link of Xboxs party. This is the only "Paladain/Paragon" effort I ever got, if you don't account the Indonesian/Arabian skateboarders I played SKATE against at the skatepark. To this day I have no contempt in thinking a "Paladin" is a white person thing - the closest to that for me has been seen as an Arbiter for Crusaders, and some girls being Penitants to earn "Arbiter" because "Arbitress" could be sexist. But the whole Paladin thing I don't make Christian in my soul, because Paragon and Medjai are lurking to expose it ontothemselves or something. I played Halo 1 and 2 there. Bloodgulch on Halo 1 and the Blackout map on Halo 2 are what I remember the most. The Halo 2 game was entirely swords, too. They didn't "disband", but I had to get myself to find their Halo 2 clan personally. So, they were nerds/geeks and I was just a "player" not a friend-initiate. Later I played Halo 3 with my own accumulation of players, and once while dating a girl I beat her at Halo 1 1v1. That was reason enough to stay committed to Halo 1 Anniversary, thanks to the digression of Halo 3 becoming Reach and ODST - psyocting me to want to quit Halo because Halo 3 couldn't be played fully without ODST being owned, and with me not liking Reach I almost quit. But I persevered luckily, and reinstated my skills to where they are now. And Now I am preparing to quit. Halo 1 never interested me, and Xbox Live came with Halo 3 having been out a year or two already, so my Halo 2 Xbox Live combatancy didn't fulfill my virtue. Halo 3 didn't forsake anything, it was better than Halo 2 in nearly all ways - but the campaign seemed almost a side project. Must of been that Halo 2's whole game had become Halo 3's PvP masterpiece; I critique. Of Halo 3 I befriended some Colonels and Brigadiers in the new neighborhood, aspired to Strike Commander with them but only achieved Field Major because of the game's handicaps mentioned. Eventually I stopped customizing my character every guest play, and actually signed in on my own Xbox name with each new session. I suppose I was being a practical Friend and not care about the MLG styling of PvP because I preferred to be a skateboarder, but not a Player, as to why I don't buy 2ndary controllers for my game console. I'm not a Halo 1 loser, nor a Halo 2 poser, but a real Halo 3 Gamer. To of had played as a guest and not moniker myself as an individual would of been wrong of me partying. It kept me sharp not wild. [hider=For what it's worth.] My sister found a Polish girlfriend and deserted me to her brother. We played in a sandbox, slid down mattresses on the stairs like they were waterfall slides, jumped on a trampoline with a sprinkler underneath, skateboarded, played with my GO-PED. BUT when it came to him playing Cooperatively Halo 2 with me he'd betray me and I'd lose my familiarity with being a friend and relented from going Outlaw. So, to not have "Marauder" in any sense since he had a contemporary position as a Party Animal I told him to himself that I wasn't his friend after I had made a move on the burg to become the rival without being a "Lancer" or "Paladin", to keep my own virtue of Ranger, and not have Black Knight forsaken. He was the first person I played Halo with. We even beat the campaign eventually on the NORMAL difficulty. That I have made a purpose of benefits from using the Halo UNSC ARMY forces that acompany me in the campaign. That has somewhat repurposed my Role-Playing with Halo so I made myself try and master Big Team Battle/Squad Battle to compromise what was missing, but Halo Infinite's multiplayer is retarded and reminds me of terraforming nihilist bitches feigning to be Reavians. But it is quite nice the tacticality of 343 Industries having that tactical sense, and I do believe my efforts are not in vain with imagining a MMORPG of Halo coming in the near future. But yeah, as I was saying... For what it's worth I placed a Megaconstrux Vector spartan commando in his parents fenced back yard. One of the few to be placed away from my own parents land that I guard. I made a whole operation of Megaconstrux troopers and used the last of them, dipicting characteristics of my personal skill as commandos. A Rogue was put into the sewer to hunt the "mark" type I had adventured there earlier because with a job my imagination of who I virtue to be, before I chose to virtue personally as an Prince (Thieve's and Burglars are classes to roleplaying that), I played with toys buying the action figure Megaconstrux to avenge me away from "centurions", an EVA was tossed onto the roof of my fathers mechanic shop in Chicago, and just the Vector has been used next. I have 1 trooper to use now, and I've got something special for the Flametrooper itself. When I finish this animal tattoo I'll be renouncing my Xbox Live and selling the consoles to go back to my first stage of gaming, the Nintendo 64. No more posters, too. When the tattoo is colored that'll be the end of my communism, and the beginning of my maturity. [hider=ADVANCED MISSION: Trooper.]Getting the GROUND FORCES from the roleplay I did with making the miniature action figures quest. They need to be remembered for further roleplaying sections. The marines are dead, though, I really only like the Commandos I had, but as a Field Major I didn't destroy them like a child but accepted them as troopers for missions, so they're not dead, but I'm going to play that they died inferior to Spartans. The centurion armor types were hunted down by a Rogue, and by a Recon, Oceanic, and Warrior, as far as I remember. The Vector, and Recruit Commandos had other missions, and the Operator, and Hazop Commandos had a different mission, but same logistics as the Rogue, Oceanic, Recon, and Warrior Commando. The Gungnir and Air Assault Commandos were also different missions, but still Ground Ops for the logistics fighting the centurions, with the Recruit, Rogue, and a Flametrooper. FOUR COMMANDS; Seven, Charley, Hotel, and Tango. [u]Seven[/u] Names: Gungnir Armor- Major Quantum. Frostthrower Armor - Lt. Ash. [u]Charley[/u] Names: Oceanic Armor- Lt. Colonel Mist. Rogue Armor - Field Major Venom. E.V.A. Armor - Battle Captain Assault. E.V.A. Armor - Battle Captain Acid. Recon Armor - Staff Captain Battle. Warrior Armor - 1st Lt. Halo. Aviator Armor -. 1st Lt. Shove. Operator Armor - Lt. Amethyst. Hazop Armor - Lt. Cloak. Enforcer Armor - Lt. Flag. [u]Hotel[/u] Names: Rogue Armor - Field Major Bone. Vector Armor - Field Major Zmija. E.V.A. Armor - Staff Captain Kill. Flamethrower Armor - Lt. Spawdle. Grenader Armor - Lt. Hazop. Hazop Armor - Lt. West. [u]Tango[/u] Names: Recruit Armor - Commander Knight. Vector Armor - Field Major Reaper. Air Assault Armor - Lt. Turf. Flamethrower Armor - Lt. Corvette. RECRUIT Commander Knight: Landed through pines in the East. HaloCommand secured, Commander Knight returned to HaloCommand quickly on Forestview Drive. Taking cautionary maneuvers Commander Knight, through grass, street curb, and the sidewalk focused down the street West to HaloCommand. He knew it was HaloCommand because it was the first yard that was expansive on the West side of the House, designated Base-2 on that side of the House. The Garage was evaluated by Lt. Ash, so not needing to go through Base-3 to Base-0 to Major Quantum Commander Knight kept moving for Base-1 to Base-2. Before jumping down the porch from Base-1 to an immediate sense of Base-2 Commander Knight acknowledged the South-West street pit into the underground pathways where Field Major Venom enterred, and enterred there as well, not neglecting the street which he had acknowledged from the sidewalk along the way. That's where Commander Knight activated his invisibility-camouflage, jumped down into it, using his reconnaissance skills to help using districts to eliminate the Spartans if the troopers weren't capable by flanking them. ROGUE Field Major Venom: Sent to eliminate a MARK 4 brass Spartan in the South-West with a Squad-Automatic-Weapon. He will find a dying, but victorious, Commander Knight there in from having accomplished slaying a whitey Spartan. VECTOR Field Major Reaper: Travelled behind enemy lines with a SPARTAN LASER gun-weapon in the South-East. GRENADER Lt. Hazop: Sent to Base-1. FLAMETHROWER Lt. Corvette: Sent to raze Pokemon Golduck figure with a flamethrower-weapon in the South-East. GUNGNIR Major Quantum: Sent to Base-0 with a Pistol. AIR ASSAULT Lt. Turf: Sent to logistics in the North-West with a Shot-Gun. OCEANIC Lt. Colonel Mist: Fought Spartans in the North-West with a Rail-Gun. RECON Staff Captain Battle: Fought Spartans in the North-West with two Pistols. WARRIOR 1st Lt. Halo: Fought Spartans in the North-West with an Assault-Rifle. HAZOP Lt. Cloak: Sent to logistics in the South with a Grenade-Launcher. OPERATOR Lt. Amethyst: Sent to logistics in the South with a Grenade-Launcher. EXTRA VEHICULAR ACTIVITY Battle Captain Assault: Landed on W.D. Auto Body Inc. roof in the East with a Battle-Rifle. FROST Lt. Ash: In the Garage with Frost-Blaster, above the cemented flooring in the Boat-Tubular-Float-Sport-Toy. [/hider] [/hider] 1 way or another I reminded myself that I got through Halo Campaign difficulties in Co-Op because the levels would inevitably end. When I returned to Halo through the Master Chief Collection I equaled my difficulty Xbox Gamerscore Achievements to my individual Halo Games Xbox Gamerscore Achievements. Spartan Ops for MCC gives achievements for higher difficulties; I like that it gives that, because Campaigns made Co-Op identical Players or had a specified character for other Players - Spartan Ops let's the customized Players play. When I achieve Halo 2 in the MCC on Heroic I'll be accomplished where I originally fathomed defeating Halo 2 {to defeat the endeavor of Halo 2 gossip (as I wasn't a pop(ular)culture-vagabond, but managed to forge a legacy they couldnt} before defeating Halo 3 on LEGENDARY, Solo. As it was Halo 3 that I proceeded to avenge myself with Xbox Live to reclaim my reprieve of having thought Others played on Heroic when with a Co-Operative Campaign was on Normal initially into the spectrum of PvP. Then it'll be just doing Spartan Ops, and playing the Halo Reach Campaign as what it's depicted that Noble-6 was.