This section is for my [u]Megaman NT Warrior character[/u]. NetNavi's just can't have numbers in their name, spaces, or symbols, but they can have as many capital letters wanted. Because name's may have already been taken by someone else in the world. Such being the situations, students are acknowledged to think of what nobility is to them currently or was before. Popular beginning words can be "Sword" or "Shield" or "Lance", maybe "Knight" or "Princess", but students do also create names thanks to the attention to that like "SkullflamesMan" or "QUEENofStrawberryAcid". It can never be changed, too. Only if your NetNavi were deleted could you get a new NetNavi. Having quite the infinite possibilities of how to pick or create a NetNavi; Help from community NetNavi's, or a bought NetNavi that just needs a name - I assembled a Viper-type with camouflage pants and boots, no shirt because it's an animal but I did grant my NetNavi sport-glasses. My NetNavi's name is [b]SpaceMercenarySwordZmijaman[/b]!