[h2][center]Karim Nazeri[/center][/h2] Ah, the first days of classes, a joy to him. Despite an eventful morning with a fricking aberration on his nightstand. Karim knows about aberration, and the fact that he saw one right next to him was eye-opening. He had never seen one before, much less the size of a large apple. Admittedly he was tempted to absorb its power. But, knowing about the possible cravings and other bad side effects of absorbing it made him reconsider. So he simply alerted someone with authority, and hopefully, it will be clean up so. Still an encounter with an aberration and wondering why one appeared on his nightstand. It should not stop him from enjoying the day and his first classes. However, combined with what happened at the ceremony or what strange thing happened and this. It did stay in his head during the morning hours. [b]Sensing and Drawing/Conversion[/b] So far, Karim had liked his first teachers, even if one of them. The teacher for his Conversion class was.... a bit odd, mainly in his teaching style and how he dressed. His Sensing and Drawing teacher was alright, but nothing to write home about. Maybe it is just the first day, and perhaps this teacher will surprise him. Who knows, and his morning encounter with an aberration was still in his mind. Though its presence would lessen as the day came progressed. [b]Mathematics/Avincian[/b] Mathematics, a subject that Karim has a love/hate relationship with. While he is good at math and is expected to be good at math due to his family being merchants. He finds the subject utterly boring and a chore to learn. Still, Karim tried his best to focus and not seem bored. He does not give the wrong first impression to his teacher. When his Avincian class came around, Karim was more active and less bored. Even if he has no problems with speaking Avincian but did have some with reading it, so it was a welcomed subject to him and kinda an easy one. Still, his teacher was fine and seemed to enjoy teaching the subject, so that was a plus. [b]Lunch[/b] Then came lunch, and while others took their time to eat their lunch. Karim tore quickly through his as he had something to do today outside of classes. For he was expecting a shipment of cloudmelons from his parents and, if he was told right. They should be here about now and so after quickly eating his lunch. Karim departed the lunchroom and headed down toward the docks. Bringing someone with him to help him carry the melons in exchange for some of them. It was only fair, and it should not take long.