[hider=The Kingdom Of Sae’senthe’ssis] [center] [h2][b][color=goldenrod]The Kingdom Of Sae’senthe’ssis[/color][/b][/h2] [sub][img]https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fstatic.wikia.nocookie.net%2Fdayofdragons_gamepedia_en%2Fimages%2Fb%2Fb7%2FHybrid3.jpg%2Frevision%2Flatest%3Fcb%3D20200507045733&f=1&nofb=1[/img][/sub] [color=goldenrod]Government Form[/color]: [sub]Monarchy[/sub] [color=goldenrod]Demographics[/color]: [sub][url=https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Ftse1.mm.bing.net%2Fth%3Fid%3DOIP.PNhYzZJUFsVuFP6z94WaUAHaEo%26pid%3DApi&f=1]Sae’senthe’ssis dragons[/url] Main species - Dragons are majestic creatures known for their great size, long wings and of course, love of anything precious. Sae’senthe’ssis dragons are different from their brethren in most regards, a Sae’senthe’ssis dragon will grow up to 3 metres tall and 2 wide with tails that can range between 50cm to 1 metre. Almost always, Sae’senthe’ssis dragons have 4 legs with claws and 2 wings. They also have very long life spans with the oldest Sae'senthe'ssis dragon being 499 years old. If it weren't for the Rifts, which eliminated many of the great Azure Dragons, the oldest one could've potentially remember the founding of Gaia. Sae’senthe’ssis dragons will grow feathers, scales or fur depending on the type of dragon they are. Their color can range anywhere on the RGB spectrum but there are main types of dragon which is what determines their greatest weapon, their breath. White Dragons - They are the most magically inclined of the Sae’senthe’ssis dragons. They are smarter, faster with no breath weapon of their own. Magic is what they choose to attack with when stalking for prey. Black Dragons - They’re the biggest dragons of the Sae’senthe’ssis species. They can exceed 3 metres and grow up to 6 metres tall with very durable scales. Their breath sucks the life out of any caught in it’s blast if the target is organic in nature. Being very reclusive, it is not known how many they are. Red Dragons - Medium sized for Sae’senthe’ssis, their greatest strength is their fiery breath which can burn up to 3000°C. Their claws are sharp and can easily pierce iron. Blue Dragons - The benevolent dragons as they are called are known to live in water, feeding on fish solely. They can easily hold up to 500litres of water in special compartments in their throats while they can shoot with amazing speed at targets. Second species : [url=https://i.pinimg.com/736x/44/b0/97/44b0979699c674b8c8d0d1f85ae301d5.jpg]Drakes [/url] Drakes are a sub-Sae’senthe’ssis dragon species which appeared shortly after the Rifts opened. They are smaller, ranging between 1.7 and 2 metres tall with four legs but no wings. They also retain the long tails of the Sae’senthe’ssis dragons but with added mobility of said tail. [/sub] [color=goldenrod]Population[/color]: [sub]198k Sae’senthe’ssis dragons and 600k drakes.[/sub] [/center] [color=goldenrod]Plane Description[/color]: [sub]Therm, the plane’s name, is a pretty standard plane (similar to pre-Rift Gaia) in many ways. Big land masses full of red grass, deep oceans full of fish and mountains. The size of everything in Therm is massive, a normal flower will can grow up to 10 meters tall and trees can easily reach 50 meters. The local fauna is formed mainly by insects that are all herbivores with the exception of the Twilight worms. All of the insects range between 1 and 4 meters tall, their chitinous armor/wings etc can be strong as steel. The main difference is that due to the magical energies of the plane, there are certain stones which levitate. This effect causes the existence of floating land masses or even full-on mountain ranges which levitate in the sky. Yet another difference between Therm and Gaia, is that throughout the plane there are bubbles of raw magic, anomalies as they're called by the Sae’senthe’ssians. It is unknown how they appeared and they cannot be closed by any means that were tried upon them. Upon entering one, a person can be spit somewhere randomly on the plane; be it underground, underwater or high up in the air. There hasn't been found a way to direct the teleportation to a given area and as such, they are viewed with contempt. As long as nothing goes inside of them, they look as [url=https://www.nyfa.edu/student-resources/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/pixquik-1024x1008.png] bubbles [/url] that reflect the area behind them. [/sub] [color=goldenrod]History[/color]: [sub]The Sae’senthe’ssis are the descendants of the great Azure Dragons of Gaia. When the Rift first opened, a couple of Azure Dragons were sucked in the Rift and brought to Therm where they’ve proven themselves as the Apex Predators. Over time, they’ve started breeding with the local populace of dragons and their offspring slowly became the Sae’senthe’ssis dragons. With the apparition of different types of dragon, things turned bloody very fast, every type vying for dominance over the others, their food or their territory. Something [i] had [/i] to be done and it took one White Dragon, a direct descendant of the Azure dragons to unite all the tribes. She took a challenge from all the types, her brethren included, with a promise struck by magic that if she wins, she will be their leader for eternity. With her magic and her wits, she overcame all the challenges and took control of all the Therm Sae’senthe’ssis tribes. 400 years passed from that point and the Dragon Queen’s rule is supreme. None question her decrees, none question her rule and if one does, they are swifly dealt with. [/sub] [color=goldenrod]Culture and Society[/color]: [sub] Sae’senthe’ssis dragons live in massive cave systems, forests, oceans and pretty much anywhere they wish to settle depending on their type. Most Sae’senthe’ssisans prefer to live close together with their kin. Their lairs are full of diamonds, gold and other materials they consider precious and depending on the type of the dragon, might mean the social status of one. On the other end, the drakes submit to the will of the Sae’senthe’ssis and act as servants of their respective types. They are known to build nests, where at least 20 of them live together in close proximity, using whatever materials they can find. One thing is valued more than most, family. A dragon's kin is everything for Sae’senthe’ssisan, a blood debt for a killed dragon can be carried over centuries. [/sub] [center] --- [/center] [color=goldenrod]Governance and Politics[/color]: [sub]Sae’senthe’ssisans dragons are ruled by vassals of the Dragon Queen; each vassal chooses their own way of leadership as long as it follows the decrees of the Dragon Queen. How a leader is chosen depends on their type, from the Red Challenge where one has to fight the current leader to death to the White Challenge which involves a series of riddles. The Dragon Queen is chosen via a contest of all Sae’senthe’ssis dragons, including the reclusive black dragons. Each type poses an impossible challenge to the pretender to the throne, be it a test of cunning, strength, dexterity or honour. [/sub] [color=goldenrod]Technology and Magic[/color]: [sub] Technology wise, the Sae’senthe’ssis aren’t very advanced with no natural predators on the new plane, they’ve grown to rely on their hunting and investigation skills as the native creatures of the plane have long learned to hide from the Sae’senthe’ssis. Magic flows within all Sae’senthe’ssisans but more in some than in others. The most magical active of all Sae’senthe’ssis are the White Dragons which are said to have inherited all the magical powers of the Azure dragons. Their magic is a combination of their natural breath and words of power. Each word releases huge magical energy within the Sae’senthe’ssisan which then he/she can chanell into an effect that they desire. The most secret and sacred magical ritual that can take place between the Sae’senthe’ssis dragons is the Traehnogard in which two dragons give a part of their heart to the other, permanently linking one to another. Their magical power is doubled up but what one consumes, the other endures. If one dies, the other will as well. [/sub] [color=goldenrod]Military Overview[/color]: [sub]Sae’senthe’ssisans have the status of Apex Predators on Therm and as such have grown complacent. The wars that plagued their society have long been terminated and the occasional border fight is considered to be training by most. Only the Red dragons are known to keep an active platoon of Sae’senthe’ssisans that circle their territory. [/sub] [center] --- [/center] [color=goldenrod]Additional Info[/color]: [sub]One of the most common "animal" on Therm are the great Twilight worms. They were before the arrival of the Sae’senthe’ssis dragons the apex predators of the plane. They have since then been hunted almost to extinction as their gigantic bodies that can get up to 50 meters wide and 60 meters tall, are full of meat. Currently, most Twilight worms live deep underground towards the plane's core. Tort is the best. I am not the Traitor...or...am I? [/sub] [/hider]