[quote=@Stabby] [@souleaterfan320] *There's an audible sigh from somewhere nearby* Fall: I should have known as much, but I've been putting this off for long enough as is. *Shifts my form into the tangible void as if a curtain hiding me was removed. I stand there looking much the same, but not a breath given as amaranthine 'veins' emerge from underneath my skin, somehow not encroaching upon the rest of me. Positioned inside the dimensional rip, I look at everyone at least once before turning my attention to Aeron and formally doing something between a bow and a curtsy.* Fall: I apologize for intruding upon your exchange, but I would like to formally introduce myself. My name is Fall, a variant and counterpart to the one known as Flicker. It's quite interesting to see an exchange such as the one displayed, with only your second form no less. [/quote] Aeron: well then, It appears we aren't alone. Nice to meet you, Fall.