[quote=@Dark Cloud] [color=9870DB]As you command, so I shall do as you ask...[/color] [color=9870DB]I can't say the same, she might not be who she says she is.[/color] *Looks her up and down crossing my arms.* [color=9870DB]Looks can be deceiving.[/color] [/quote] *Doesn't turn my head much as I look over towards you while responding* Fall: Many looks are deceiving, let alone with the excuses of those who can change their forms. I can't promise your trust, but I will promise I'm being forthright with my words. [quote=@souleaterfan320] Aeron: *my eyes light up with joy* Of course! Thank you so much for your charity, my friend. We will find great use for you, I'm sure. *walks up to you, sizing you up* Hmm.... what would you say your strengths are, where do you excel? [/quote] *returns to a relaxed standing position and closes my eyes, taking a moment before responding* Fall: Simply put, survivability and adaptability, both in my skillset and my personality are where I excel on some regard. This is better said in the sense of avoiding a hit rather than tanking one, alongside precautionary measures to ensure survival even when hit. Recovery and infiltration might be within my means.