[hider=Vivesper] [center] [h2][b][color=goldenrod]Vivesperian Empire[/color][/b][/h2] [color=goldenrod]Government Form[/color]: Imperial Monarchy [color=goldenrod]Demographics[/color]: As of now, Vivesper's sapient population is completely human. Though elves existed earlier in the area's history, there was a long history of mutual bad blood between the two species, and elves were wiped out to the very last in the final stages of the Vivesperian Empire consolidating control of the realm. [color=goldenrod]Population[/color]: Approximately 14 million humans --- [/center] [color=goldenrod]Plane Description[/color]: As of now, the overall appearance of the plane differs drastically between areas near settlements and more isolated areas. Most of the land was initially barren, but, through a combination of land development and magical advances, the general fertility of many areas was increased. Fortunately, the weather provides for plenty of precipitation, and droughts are rare. This precipitation is most notable in the winter season. In addition to the more regular snowstorms, blizzards are common, and have often ground military actions to a halt throughout Vivesper's history. Much of the infrastructure of cities is designed around resisting blizzards. Phoenixes are a species hunted for their feathers and ashes, often dwelling in the harsher environments. The land has a wealth of mineral resources, most notably high-quality iron. Though this includes a high supply of precious metals, there has not been much effort previously to excavate them due to the lack of parties who would give them significant value. As the Empire has stabilized, there has been some growing interest in precious metals. [color=goldenrod]History[/color]: Though the population of Vivesper is much than its lowest point, it's drastically lower than it was after going through the portal. In addition to humans, the population initially included the less populous elves. The land was initially named Vacacia, so barren was it at the time. Many people died of starvation, and the previously unified people fragmented as they sought out the most survivable areas. With elves already having a strong reputation for arrogance and bigotry among humans, they split up into their own groups Fighting for resources was a way of life initially. As people split up more and stabilized, however, war didn't become less frequent so much as it became more organized. After awhile, various major territories were established, and two eventually developed into kingdoms. Though the two kingdoms were at a stalemate for awhile, one eventually conquered the other through major breakthroughs in technology and magic. Those advancements were the development of phoenix steel, a steel alloy which, contrary to most metals, insulated against heat, cold, and electricity, rendering knights virtually invulnerable to most opposing offensive magic; and major improvements in tunneling magic, which permitted larger, deeper, and more stable tunnels, allowed one to circumvent castle defenses, and allowed attacks to be pressed underground when blizzards rendered surface movement dangerous. The Empire of Vivesper was established shortly after the conquest, named after the territory previously known as Vacacia that would now be known to the Empire as Vivesper to reflect its ability to make the land work. In the time that followed, the Empire rapidly grew in size, with most human territories choosing to pledge loyalty to it and gain the advantage of stability from being under its umbrella, rather than wasting lives and resources delaying what was seen as inevitable. As the Vivesperian Empire grew, the idea of uniting the entire land under one authority gradually changed from concept, to aspiration, to objective. The elves refused to give themselves freely to human rule. The Empire used a major smallpox epidemic that originated from a human settlement close to elvish territory as casus belli for a punitive war against elvish territories - elves were accused of conducting a targeted attack with a horrible disease known only to infect humans, motivated by their bigotry, though specifics regarding those accusations were lacking. Having made it clear after a few battles that elves that didn't surrender would be slaughtered, the bloody affair went on for a very long time, before remaining territories surrendered. Seeing elves as an obstacle to a unified Vivesper, however, the Emperor ordered every single elf in the realm slaughtered. It was nearly impossible for the remaining elves to put up any meaningful resistance after their territory was already under control of the Empire. What would have been seen as the most depraved sort of affair imaginable instead became seen as a marker of a once divided people being made whole again, with much emphasis being placed by the Empire's historians on the reactionary ideals of the elves, their hubris, and their crimes against humanity. [color=goldenrod]Culture and Society[/color]: Culturally, the realm puts major focus on unity, loyalty, obedience, and knowing and fulfilling one's role in society. Propaganda posters frequently reiterate the importance of these values. Working long hours is frequent for many. The culture of fulfilling one's role in society leads many to become highly devoted to their sociological niche, taking pride. One's profession and position in society is second only to their name as far as personal identity goes. People are more reluctant to explore different fields overall, which potentially leads some to squander potential they had elsewhere. Phoenixes are a national icon. In addition to their ashes being the basis for phoenix steel, their ability to survive in harsh areas is seen as symbolic of the resiliency of the people, and their legendary reincarnation is seen as iconic of the people themselves rising from the ashes. Vivesperians do not bury their dead in a traditional sense. Instead, the dead are processed into compost. A fruit tree is often planted with some of this compost in honor of the dead individual; much like the phoenix, such a gesture is symbolic of life from death, and allows one to continue to serve their fellow man even after death. With there being universal literacy (albeit to different levels of proficiency), many libraries have been established in Vivesper. Though much of the writing within these libraries is practical or historical, there are also many fictional stories. Mythology, by nature of its invocation of religious ideas, is not found within libraries. Works directly critical of the Empire, or that portray its actions or ideals in a bad light, are very difficult to have approved, though some more clever authors may get around this through use of allusions. There is a stigma against ostentatious displays of wealth, though this stigma has been weakening over time as the Empire has stabilized. Though peoples' clothing reflects their social status, nobles rarely wear jewelry at anything other than the most important ceremonies of the year. The most major holiday of the year is Founding Day, the anniversary of the Empire's founding and the coronation of the first Emperor. Though usually held on the actual day, the festivities in an area are postponed if there is bad weather. Alcohol, though it isn't rare or scarce, is more limited than in other places due to the lower amount of arable land; Founding Day is one of the biggest times for drinking it. There are usually many games to be had, with archery competitions being some of the most popular. [center] --- [/center] [color=goldenrod]Governance and Politics[/color]: The Vivesperian Empire has relatively high taxes. It is often emphasized in propaganda how paying one's taxes is an important part of fulfilling your due to society and helping your fellow people survive. Religiosity is banned by mandate. It is regularly emphasized that gods forsook the people of Vivesper, and that the continued survival of the people comes from the strength of its people, and their strength alone. Punishments for many things are often draconian. Beyond the crime itself, criminals are seen as opposing the very foundation of the Empire itself, that being the mutual cooperation that allowed its people to survive in spite of the land itself trying to kill them. Public executions in many places are frequent, with criminals being executed in ways that make their death slow, painful, and showy. The people revel in seeing an end to those who are seen as being a danger to their survival. Prisoners are often allocated to dangerous jobs, and frequently die as a result of misadventure during those jobs. At least per the Vivesperian mandate, the role of children is seen as learning and developing into the future of the Empire. Education for young children is mandatory; this policy was highly unpopular when initially invoked, as it meant fewer hands for things like farm work. It has mainly survived because none of the emperors have been of any other mind, despite the concerns of subordinates. Though criticizing the Empire isn't a crime in and of itself, it [i]is[/i] a crime to attempt to challenge or subvert the Empire's authority. How this gets interpreted is generally based on whoever is enforcing the law. [color=goldenrod]Technology and Magic[/color]: Magic is something that takes a thorough understanding of both physical and metaphysical laws in order to use, at least with any degree of proficiency. Thus, magic is often associated with higher education, and, by extension, with privilege. In military matters, mages serve as specialists; they're not used as general agents of lethality, but to perform a specific action that cannot be done with more traditional tools. Though one might be able to use basic spells of various types, one often has to specialize in a particular type of magic to get the most out of it. A major technological advancement was phoenix steel. It is a steel alloy which derives its carbon content from phoenix ashes. It can only be forged at extremely high temperatures, temperatures that can only be sustained and survived with the aid of magic. [color=goldenrod]Military Overview[/color]: Currently, with stability as opposed to constant wars, the Vivesperian Empire's standing army is much smaller than it was at its peak. It is composed of knights, mages, and other elite men-at-arms. The majority of those in the standing army are under direct command of the Emperor; this makes potential rebellion a difficult affair, as one cannot outnumber the Emperor's professional army with their own professional troops even in the unlikely event that every other noble with professional troops offered their support. Beyond the standing army, the Empire also requires every man of fighting age to own and be proficient with a weapon of their choice, with other potential arrangements based on the Empire's needs. These men can be drafted as needed for either local militias or the main army. In addition to traditional cavalry, the Empire breeds wyverns, and trains wyvern riders. The advantage of flight is particularly significant in many of the areas of rough terrain. Given the value of wyvern riders, however, they are rarely used in situations in which enemies are holding firm; they are often used to pursue disorganized enemies in routs, to attack divided groups of enemies, or to take out high-value targets. [center] --- [/center] [color=goldenrod]Additional Info[/color]: [/hider]