[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/eCUva3W.jpeg[/img][/center] [indent][indent][indent]Looking through Off-Topic, I've noticed that the guild has had difficulty facilitating good, lengthy off-topic discussion (at least in the last year). Most threads tend to die out pretty fast, with little posts to boot. So, I got to thinking—what about a cartoon thread? There's always a video game or anime thread, but you really don't see cartoon discussion threads these days. And who knows? Maybe such a thread would be a hit enough to stick around for awhile and breathe some life into this section. There are certainly some great shows out there ripe for discussion, after all. Without further ado, let's start this thread off with the perfect question: [b]What was the last cartoon you've watched? Was it any fun/good/interesting?[/b][/indent][/indent][/indent]