[quote=@Guccicorn] I feel like I do better with animated movies, based on my attention span and very singable soundtracks xD I will have to check some of those out OwO The Owl House looks pritty. [/quote] The Owl House is decent (especially in regards to LGBT+ rep), but it definitely doesn't hide the issues that had been going on behind the scenes between the creator and Disney. You can easily tell where things were starting to be rushed in order to quickly wrap up the show. It'll be returning in March on the 19th with Amphibia, though, so that's at least some good news. Also, if you're in the market for "singable soundtracks", I do suggest The Ghost and Molly McGee. I enjoyed it and all the songs in the show so far (plus there's some scenes later on the show I honestly never expected a cartoon, much less a Disney cartoon, to reference from). [quote=@Dark Cloud] Alright before I abandon this thread cause nobody knows what I'm talking about, I'd like to make an obligatory mention of Rick and Morty because I love that show. This season was an absolute fucking banger one. [/quote] I remember watching Star VS. the Forces of Evil and wondering why one of the characters sounded so familiar. Turns out it was Justin Rolland, who voices both Rick and Morty in the show. Man gets around it seems.