So, for some reason, I read more books than I watched western cartoons as a kid. (So because I basically watched anime exclusively as a teenager.) I've tried to watch more recommended cartoons as an adult. (Because I usually don't find bad things entertaining. Thus, I avoid the ones that get universally panned.) Anyway, here's some more recent shows that I've watched. [u]Modern/Cal Art Era[/u] First Seasons of... [b]Owl House[/b] - 4.5/10 That was a show alright? [b]Mao Mao: Heroes of Pure Heart[/b] - 7/10 Fun enough. Episodes are very hit or miss. (Still prefer cartoons with an actual story/arc in them though.) [u]Older shows[/u] [b]Gargoyles[/b] - 8.5/10 First season is genuinely entertaining. (Like most cartoons, the gun control episode is always the worst one.) The second season is a massive filler arc and grows tiring to watch very fast. [b]Batman Beyond[/b] - ?/10 Yeah, this one feels very much "of its time". And something I might've liked more as a teenager. But aside from its art style in places, there's very little I enjoyed about the episodes I watched. It was simply okay/average feeling. [u]Adult Cartoons[/u] [b]Smiling Friends[/b] - 8/10 Very predictable humor a lot of the time. But pretty entertaining and well-animated in parts overall, actually. (Being shorter helps.) [b]Legends Of Vox Machina[/b] - 2/10 It's first two episodes are almost insufferable to watch. (Granted my tolerance for lowbrow "cussing/gross out" shit humor is fittingly quite low.) [u]Plans to watch in future maybe?[/u] [b]Infinity Train[/b] - I've been looking for actual story-driven cartoons. (And the only modern "best era eva" show that I've liked so far is [s]most of[/s] Gravity Falls.) And this cartoon has the fewest "this show I praised endlessly and wasted hundreds of episodes on, now sucks a lot y god y" videos. So I'm hoping it managed to stick the landing? [b]Over The Garden Wall[/b] - Haven't heard a single negative thing said about it, really. (Plus it's a mini-series. So it's not [b]that[/b] much time investment.)