[@Dragoknighte][@rivaan][@Remipa Awesome][@Lewascan2][@Sigil] Post is up. Please remember that we are indeed still in the Narrative, and everyone has a one day extension. I would remind that waiting until the last hour possible makes me weep uncontrollably, but as we're behind screens I still maintain plausible deniability. You will notice that we have come to just inside of the Township, and as long as your post contains reactions to that, pretty much everything else is good to go, within reason. Now might be a good time to discuss divvying up treasure found along the way, and what you might do as a group if something more solidly [i]treasure[/i] is received. Now is also a good time to decide whether the party is going to be transparent, and with whom, or whether you are sticking to the cover story. In any case, we have officially arrived at the investigation and shenanigans part of this adventure. There will be opportunities to poke around town. Same goes for roleplaying opportunities with the locals. You might get into a scrape or two. And yes, there are events which are time dependent, the most obvious one being the Harvestide celebration. And remember, there is a shiny Milestone level at the end of this. Be thinking ahead. Go ahead and ask about things which happened along the way, if you want a more in-depth explanation of how things look or where things are. There are no dumb questions. Well, until you ask a dumb question and then I'll let you know. Good luck!