[hider=Tsukiyama Fujino/Kurosagi Gang Leader][hr] [CENTER][h2] Tsukiyama Fujino | Mama Tsuki/Leader of the Kurosagi [/h2][/CENTER] [table][row][/row][row][cell][center][img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/46/41/1b/46411b0afb4a7a5f6b69f03c54972ca1.jpg[/img][/center] [center][sup]____________________________________________________[/sup][/center] [sub][b][u]C H A R A C T E R I N F O R M A T I O N[/u][/b][/sub] [indent][b]Name[/b] Tsukiyama Fujino [b]Nicknames/Aliases[/b] Mama Tsuki | Lady Fujino | One-Eye'd Wolf of Sakanoshita | [s]CodeName: Silver Tengu[/s] [b]Birth City/District:[/b] -Redacted- [b]Age:[/b] 55 Years Old [b]Height[/b] 6'0 ft (1.84 m) [b]Racial Background:[/b] Pure Blood Japanese [b]Race:[/b] Y.S.G Natural Born (Who're often referred to as Shoguns in the mega-cities) [b]Hair Color:[/b] Silver [b]Eye Color:[/b] [color=6ecff6]One Blue[/color]/[color=gray]One Grey[/color] [b]Appearance:[/b] Tsuki has a vary intimidating aura and stature, said to be able to suck the air out of the room just by walking in. Standing at 6ft tall, she isn't necessarily the tallest person, but tends to be noticeable based on height alone. Being a part of the Jaeger, Tsukiyama has had to maintain her physical health for more than 25 years, and her body shows that. Underneath what typically is a traditional white kimono, is an exceptional toned and built body, like that of an Y.S.G solider. The Jaeger program kept her on a tight training and maintaining regiment that, despite being ten years gone from the government position, she still follows the regiment to a T. She also has an uncanny beauty for being 55, seeming to have stopped aging in her 20s, having Y.S.G has prolonged her health and aging. Tsukiyama is riddled in dozens of scars all over her body, not just the ones present on her face and neck. Being a Jaeger meant a lot of combat and skirmishes, having come close to dying several times, her scars are a window into who she was prior to becoming woman she is now. She also has a vibrant [color=9e0039]neon tattoo[/color] of a simple black swan at the back of her neck, near the base. [b]Mutation Marker(s):[/b] She has one grey eye, that gives the illusion shes blind, but it simply it cloudy, seeming to be filled with mist almost. She also has the [url=https://images.fineartamerica.com/images/artworkimages/mediumlarge/2/wings-wide-spread-red-crowned-crane-hokkaido-japan-ellie-teramoto.jpg]white wings of a crane[/url] that she can keep tucked to her body to seemingly disappear under her clothes. She also was born with long flowing silver hair that has never lost its vibrance. [b]Personality:[/b] [hider=Its very long...sorry]Tsukiyama is a very particular person for some with Y.S.G, once called too soft for being a Y.S.G Holder when she was younger. She is typically considered one of the most down to earth Y.S.G Holders many come into contact with residing in Sakanoshita. Especially for someone running a gang in the more seedy parts of Neo-Tokyo. Truth be told, she often thinks that the job isn't for her secretly, she feels like she should have been a doctor or care taker, but she'd learn it really doesn't matter what she thinks pretty early on in her life. Upon realizing she was a Y.S.G holder, or rather her family realizing, her life would be carefully laid out in front of her, never being allowed to stray from it. She would be forced to be perfect in every way, from her attitude, to her mannerisms, even the way she spoke would have to be eloquent and perfect. Because she was always told to put others before herself, this is where the base of her personality starts, a child who wanted to be perfect for a family that she could never be perfect enough for. Tsukiyama has a very calming personality much of the time, like that of a mother or a grandmother, because of her experience as both a mother and and a wife. She learned to deal with a lot of problems such bickering or disagreements and happens to have a very soothing voice that seems to want to lure you into a calming state or even sleep. She loves to go through problems with people and act like a mother or therapist giving her opinion on what they should do or say. She is over all the nicest when it comes to those sort of things and she loves helping others a lot. Even if they aren't the nicest, she tries her best to help out with even the smallest of others problems, whether it be physical or mental, she does her best to use her wealth knowledge and try and give the best advice she feels possible. The other gang leaders find her personality interesting as she strives to help even the evilest of people before having to fight. As long as its not killing the innocent, Tsukiyama will try help with almost, again almost, every task. Though there are some boundaries she will not cross, those involve her body, killing comrades and overall just wrongly hurting or extorting people. Those are the boundaries she will not cross even if her life is on the line and a sword is at her neck. She can also be much like a sage when helping people through physical hardships, helping them train, even save their sorry asses if need be. She gonna try her best to help the newbies out whenever possible, even ones that aren't going to be fond of her. If the person is willing, she do her best to help them train, just ask nicely and she'll do her best to make you stronger. This part of her comes from the fact that she no longer has Y.S.G Soldiers to train, having been ten years since she quit the J.F Special Forces. She loves giving advice that is honest regardless of if they will hurt your feelings, she will not lie to you even if it comes down to saying something mean, she only wants you to get better and if things need to be said then she will say it. Granted she does understand feelings and try to dial it back in certain situations, but for the most part, you will get the truth out of her and nothing less. In the event that she does lie to you, which rarely will happen, she would do it for the protection of not only herself but you and the people involved if it is that serious then at that point she will keep it to herself and only the people she is sure can handle it so that she does not cause mass panic. She does have a dark center however, her time as a Jaeger did harden her into a dangerous person. Gaining the name of One-Eye Wolf of Sakanoshita was not for nothing. She is exceptionally trained in combat scenarios, dealing with hundreds of missions in her 25 years working in the J.F military, 22 years of which were in the Special Forces division. Not only was she a member of the Jaeger Branch, but she also lead a squad for many years, before going on to become training director for the Jaeger Branch. She is a trained killer, with more then 500+ confirmed kills under her belt. She is not someone you want to cross, as underneath the sage like persona, lays someone ready to do ANYTHING is possible to keep her gang and people safe. Not many have seen her fight in combat, but the ones who have, have gone on to say that she becomes unrecognizable. As if she becomes an disciple of death itself, there is no one who has crossed her, breathing alive and well.[/hider] TL:DR: Tsukiyama is the Mother of the gang, she’s looking out for not only her own but her surrounding community, and will do her best to guide them. But understand all circumstances, do not try to cross her or get on her bad-side, it might lead to an immediate dirt nap. [b]Aspirations:[/b] -She tries and rise above the darkness that is Neo-Tokyo Gang Culture. -To better the lives of the people she leads and those that rely on her. -Supporting her local community and attempting to provide order in a district of chaos. -Hopefully one day wash away the sins that she committed as a Jaeger for the J.F -To disrupt the J.F at every turn and destroy any power they hold over Ishura. [b]Fears:[/b] -The death of her Gang members. -Failing to better the lives of those around her. -Never being able to escape the shadow of her time serving the J.F. -The J.F's political policies and power. [b]Vehicle:[/b] [url=https://cdnb.artstation.com/p/assets/images/images/008/054/321/large/patrick-barron-motorcycleconcepts.jpg?1510169660]Mitsubishi Horizon ZR6[/url] Tsukiyama has always been more partial to the older body styles of motorcycles from the past. When Mitsubishi announced they be making a retro bike, She could hardly contain her excitement. Thanks to her job with the government, and a high position at that, she was able to be one of the first to order and purchase one. Hers has a white base paint with gold and black trim, with the Kurosagi symbol of the [url=https://i.pinimg.com/236x/c8/e2/6c/c8e26c6eb0812bd1bf157f056ed021f9--swan-tattoo-black-swan.jpg]black swan[/url] as a decal on the right side of the bike. The bike is a hyrbid, capable of riding on the road, or switching seamlessly into its hovercraft mode. It is naturally faster on the road than on the hoverzones, as it is a retro build, capable of reaching speeds up to 250MPH. The bike has an active A.I system, that aids in keeping the Bike on the road at its top speed. The A.I system also has a An Active Protection Policy that keeps a small invisible forcefield around the bike when it's in motion. It does not disturb whatever it touches unless the A.I deeps it a threat to the driver. It also syncs to a special helmet that has a Heads up Display projected on the visor of the helmet. The bike requires a hand imprint cybernetic that acts as a biometric key. Meaning the bike cant be turned on or activated unless Tsuki remains in close proximity. [/indent] [sub][b][u]P O W E R / C Y B E R N E T I C S I N F O R M A T I O N[/u][/b][/sub] [indent][b]Strengths/Natural Abilities:[/b] -Redacted- [b]Weaknesses/Flaws:[/b] -Redacted- [b]Y.S.G Ability(ies):[/b] [u]Base Ability: Object Displacement[/u] Within an invisible sphere of fifteen meters around Tsukiyama, she can teleport any object (living or Inanimate) that enters within the sphere of influence, anywhere within fives miles around her, either vertically or horizontally. There are some requirements for Tsuki to be able to use it on living objects. The most important requirement, is eye contact, not having to be longer than 3 seconds in total of uninterrupted eye contact is necessary for complete displacement. Otherwise she will either teleport a portion of the object, or be unable to control the direction and/or destination of the displacement. She also must stand still prior to attempting precise displacement, otherwise it can result in horrible disasters or accidents. She also is able to teleport herself freely within the sphere of influence, it appearing as though she's suddenly popping from place to place if you were to watch her use the ability on herself. Being a natural born Y.S.G, her power at birth were already pretty strong, accidentally teleporting her father into the sky above the hospital when he held her for the first time. She also happened to be a Y.S.G Holder, whose power had the ability to awaken twice. [u]First Awakening: Object Acceleration/Deceleration[/u] Following in the same distance of Object Displacement, Tsukiyama is able to speed up or slow down living and nonliving objects within the sphere of influence. All the same requirements apply, this awakened portion of her ability requires even greater focus in order to use it precisely. She simply must think about the speed or lack of speed she wants in the object and she can enforce the change in speed immediately or gradually. She must maintain absolute focus if she wants to specifically use the ability on an enemy and not an ally also within the invisible sphere as an example. Meaning she is heavily vulnerable when attempting to use this portion of her ability precisely around her allies. From the perspective of a living object being subjected to this ability, they would totally be unaware of the changes at first, only simply feeling something was incredibly off. Quickly however, Living objects that were sped up would feel as if they were teleported, and the space around them seem to be moving in slow motion. Where as if they were slowed, they would feel as though they were slowly treading in wet cement, unable to control their forward momentum or actions. Time would appear to pass them at a terrifying speed, with no way to react properly. She also can apply these properties to herself if she chooses too. [u]Second Awakening: Liminal Purgatory[/u] -Redacted- [b]Soul Binder/Weapon(s):[/b] [url=https://cdnb.artstation.com/p/assets/images/images/022/404/087/large/anikesh-awasthi-final1.jpg?1575319372]Kusarigama[/url] - A chained sickle-esque weapon with a spiked weight at the end. Tsuki soul binder is a perfect match for her, capable of close combat and mid ranged attacks. The weight on the end is said to be well over four hundred pounds, capable of destroying walls and the ground by a simple swing. If anyone were to pick up her soul binder or attempt to use it, they would quickly discover the weight of the weapon was outstanding, despite Tsuki wielding it as if it were no light than a feather. It's summoning and desummon effects consist of a mist that covers her abilities sphere of influence and lingers for ten minutes. Covered in battle scars and being solid black, Tsuki's Kusaigama has only been shown to a handful of people that are still living. [b]Cybernetics/Gadets/Accessories:[/b] She does have a small implant that allows her to use Kurosagi's private netspace on the go and contact her gang members. She also has a custom hand imprint on the inside of her right hand, it white, gold and black to match her motorcycle. It serves several different purposes, its primary function being a biometric key to her home and bike, as well as her office at the Kurosagi's homebase. It secondary functions include, a virtual wallet, the cybernetic itself is bullet proof and can be used as a shield against bladed weapons and a flash light. [sub][b][u]E X T R A[/u][/b][/sub] [b]Anything else?[/b] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GVoknyPeekw]- Theme Song[/url] - She has a slight addiction to Yokai Tabacco, a sort of Y.G Weed variant that aids in eliminating the slight pain in her hand she feels from her cybernetic implant. She will often be seen smoking or rolling her own cigarettes. - She has an extensive knowledge of the inner-workings of Neo-Tokyo and decent knowledge on the other Mega-Cities having been a Jaeger for so many years. She has a wealth of knowledge on how the J.F functions as well, that has helped the Gang avoid the lime light for the most part. - Because of her life before coming to Sakanoshita, she has a seemingly unlimited number of connections and contacts that she's made with her work in the J.F Special Forces. [/indent][/cell] [cell][sub][b][u]H i s t o r y[/u][/b][/sub] [hider=Redacted Information][indent]- Redacted- Tsukiyama would leave the Jaeger Program and the J.F as a whole at the age of 45. After the incident of - redacted - she would be dishonorably discharged from the J.F Special Forces Jaeger Branch. Now having the opportunity to be herself and make her own choices after giving her all and serving without once stopping to question her orders, she wanted to change the status-quo that was the J.Fs control over Ishura. Understanding that this was no small task and would have to take time to accomplish successfully, she decided to start her plans in the heart of Sakanoshita. Opening up a illegal car modifications shop, named Fujino Motorworx in the heart of the district. Tsuki would spend ten years building the shops reputation as a reliable shop that did good and honest business despite being in one of the more seedier parts of Neo-Tokyo. Because Tsukiyama had an untapped wealth of savings from working in such a high position in the J.F Military, the stock she was able to acquire was nearly unlimited, especially as the shop began obtaining high society clientele commissions. All the while, Tsuki herself would become a bit of local celebrity, known as a kind and gentle business owner in the dangerous and treacherous [url=https://i.pinimg.com/originals/2d/23/f4/2d23f4907d4c43726cc7361ed9874f6c.jpg]Downtown Sakanoshita[/url]. Her shop that started as as only a vehicle mod shop, would eventually add a [url=https://conceptartworld.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/ADED_Final_P06of07_DmitrySorokin.jpg]bar[/url] within its walls. This bar would begin to be called the Kurosagi, a safe space within Sakanoshita where those who felt like they didn't belong in any of the groups in Sakanoshita. Tsuki was the bartender, seemed to welcome must anyone that would behave. There was also many rumors of the few occasions someone had decided to wrong such a nice lady. In turn, a swift and almost blindingly fast end would almost always come their way. There also was a very old rumor that not anyone dare mention in her establishments, that she was once the Head Jaeger and Training Director for the J.F. Some unfortunate souls learned this the hard way very early on into Tsukiyama's arrival in Sakanoshita. Now ten years later, Fujino Motorworx has a steady line of regular customers, who only trust the shop to touch their car. The Kurosagi is typically always packed with drifters and characters of all types but there is one thing they all have in common. They seek a place to get away from outside world that was Neo-Tokyo. In the bar, there was always laughter and excitement, and while Tsukiyama wasn't the main bartender always, the occasions she would, it would always mean free drinks for the night. Only within the last year has she started the second phase of her operation against the J.F, recruiting the people she trusted most to join in her gang, a front that she was going to use to disturb the general ecosystems of each district and respect big gangs. Of course she always wanted the people she recruited to be able to live the lives that seemed so unobtainable from the perspective of someone on the streets in Sakanoshita. She was unsure of if this was the correct move, but after 10 years of embedding herself back into Neo-Tokyo's underbelly, she felt her plan would work sufficiently, or rather she hoped. [/indent][/hider][/cell][/row][/table][/hider] [hider=Yashida Orinatsu/Kurosagi's Second in Command][hr] [CENTER][h2][color=662d91] Yashida Orinatsu | Little Ghost [/color][/h2][/CENTER] [table][row][/row][row][cell][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/GzmljYC.jpeg[/img][/center] [center][sup][color=662d91]____________________________________________________[/color][/sup][/center] [sub][b][u][color=662d91]C H A R A C T E R I N F O R M A T I O N[/color][/u][/b][/sub] [indent][b][color=662d91]Name:[/color][/b] [color=a187be]Yashida Orinatsu[/color] [b][color=662d91]Nicknames/Aliases:[/color][/b] [color=a187be]Little Ghost | Kurosagi's Crow | Tsukiyomi's Protégé [/color] [b][color=662d91]Birth City/District:[/color][/b] [color=a187be]Heita District, Neo-Tokyo[/color] [b][color=662d91]Age:[/color][/b] [color=a187be]23 Years Old[/color] [b][color=662d91]Height:[/color][/b] [color=a187be]5'4 ft (1.62 m)[/color] [b][color=662d91]Racial Background:[/color][/b] [color=a187be]Russian|Japanese[/color] [b][color=662d91]Race:[/color][/b] [color=a187be]Y.S.G Awakened[/color] [b][color=662d91]Hair Color:[/color][/b] [color=a187be]Black[/color] [b][color=662d91]Eye Color:[/color][/b] [color=a187be]Purple[/color] [b][color=662d91]Appearance:[/color][/b] [color=a187be]Coming in at a whooping 5'4, Yashida is often much smaller then those around her. She weighs in at about 120 and her body has the muscle definition of someone who was once training as a kick-boxer. She has short black hair and purple eyes, lacking irises that give her an blind and blank look. She is a generally blank expression'd woman to match as well. She has icy white skin and one scar going horizontal across the bridge of her nose. She also has a huge gashing scar going vertical down the middle of her chest, thats typically covered by the bandages she wears as undergarmets. She is typically wearing the black SpecWrx combat pants, with her purple kimono draped at her hips. She also wears a SpecWrx Combat one piece. Typically this is how you'll find the woman unless required to dress appropriately in which case she wears the Kimono over the one piece. On top of this she always wears CBWarfare metal Jingasa, big enough that she can hide the top half of her face from onlookers. She also has a murder of crows [color=8882be]neon[/color] tattoo sleeve spiraling up her right arm amd stopping at her shoulder. [/color] [b][color=662d91]Mutation Marker(s):[/color][/b] [color=a187be]Her Y.G trait was a small horn that curved up, that mostly was hidden behind her bangs. She also was born with blank looking eyes, thought to be born blind at first. When she awakened as a Y.S.G, she gained a crow's wings roughly the length of her arms. Unlike Tsukiyama, she elected to incorporate her wings into her outfit, having her SpecWrx combat one piece specially tailored to allow her wings to be visible on her back. She will usually keep her wings out and relaxed but she does keep them close to her body from time to time.[/color] [b][color=662d91]Personality:[/color][/b] [color=a187be]The way Yashida carries herself fits her nickname almost perfectly. From her personality to her voice, eyes and height, it all fits comically well in a way. If she were a part of an anime, she would most definitely be a part of the Kuudere category. Yashi is...cold when around people she doesn't know. She doesn't mean to be cold or anything like that, it's just her lack of an ability to relate to others. She tends to honestly act like an emotionless robot most of the time. When in the presence of large groups of people, she is especially quiet and keeps to herself unless spoken to, it's just been one of things that she developed from living in Heita all her life. If she happens to smile at you with in a couple months of meeting you, that means she has taken quite the liking as she doesn't show happiness often, if at all. When around strangers and friends it gets a bit awkward, because one moment she is nice and talkative, well for her at least, and the next moment, she could be quiet and to the point. Talking to friends she is slightly more expressive and emotional. She even will attempt some small talk and joking around, her flat tone adding to the delivery. While an outsider might see her as hard to approach, the Kurosagi would tell them shes probably the easiest to talk to, behind Tsukiyama. She has this sort of thing she does where she'll just be quiet and the next moment she'll start talking out of the blue to her friends, she even does it in the middle of important things. An example being, they could be mid crisis and in the middle of an intense battle, she'll just suddenly blurt out "I'm...really hungry, do you think we could get food after this?". She sometimes has a passé attitude towards danger and battles, which absolutely can get her into trouble. There is another part of Yashida that that is widely unknown outside of the Gang and previous opponents., but she is quite the ruthless fighter, on account of her emotionless personality and her experiences in Heita, she has a habit of not backing down when she knows she has a chance. She doesn't really think anyone can be particularly scary. This tends to be the most reckless part of her, as she'll never back down from a fight and more likely then not, heavily hurt herself in fights that require her to fully fight. She has one of the strongest resolves and if you find yourself at the end of her sword, pray she takes it easy on you or one of the Kurosagi are there to stop her. Her parents taught her how to fight, and once they passed away, she had to protect herself and her brother. As a result, she is extremely protective of those she loves and considers her own, the gang being an example.[/color] [b][color=662d91]Aspirations:[/color][/b] [color=a187be][list][*]Her biggest Aspiration is saving her brother from the clutches of the Kurushimu. [*]Her second biggest goal, is to dismantle the Kurushimu and kill Goro Uemaru. [*]She wants to fulfill Tsukiyama's goal and plans for the Kurosagi. [*]To lead her gang mates to the top of Neo-City. [*]When she can finally rest and find a place to settle down into a normal life, she wants to open an orphanage to get orphans out of Heita.[/list][/color] [b][color=662d91]Fears:[/color][/b] [color=a187be][list][*]That her brother might be to far gone, and she might have to be the one to stop. [*]Losing her brother to the madness of Goro Uemaru. [*]Not being fit to be second in command of the Kurosagi. [*]Failing Tsukiyama and her grand scheme. [*]Her gang mates dying or getting hurt, because of her choices or lack of ability.[/list][/color] [b][color=662d91]Vehicle:[/color][/b] [url=https://cdnb.artstation.com/p/assets/images/images/008/054/321/large/patrick-barron-motorcycleconcepts.jpg?1510169660]Mitsubishi Horizon ZR6[/url] [color=a187be]One of the first things Tsukiyama had given to her was a matching bike to the womans own. However that were slight modifications made to better fit the tiny girl and make it more comfortable for her. Hers has a light purple base paint with dark purple and black trim, as well as the Kurosagi symbol of the [url=https://i.pinimg.com/236x/c8/e2/6c/c8e26c6eb0812bd1bf157f056ed021f9--swan-tattoo-black-swan.jpg]black swan[/url] as a decal on the right side of the bike. The bike is a hyrbid, capable of riding on the road, or switching seamlessly into its hovercraft mode. It is naturally faster on the road than on the hoverzones, as it is a retro build, capable of reaching speeds up to 250MPH. The bike has an active A.I system, that aids in keeping the Bike on the road at its top speed. The A.I system also has a An Active Protection Policy that keeps a small invisible forcefield around the bike when it's in motion. It does not disturb whatever it touches unless the A.I deeps it a threat to the driver. It also syncs to a special helmet that has a Heads up Display projected on the visor of the helmet. The bike requires a hand imprint cybernetic that acts as a biometric key. Meaning the bike cant be turned on or activated unless Tsuki remains in close proximity.[/color] [/indent] [sub][b][u][color=662d91]P O W E R / C Y B E R N E T I C S I N F O R M A T I O N[/color][/u][/b][/sub] [indent][b][color=662d91]Strengths/Natural Abilities:[/color][/b] [color=a187be][list][*]Y.S.G. Enhanced Natural Abilities - As a Y.S.G. holder, Gabriel's natural abilities are many times greater than the average person. Even moreso, Yashida's speed and agility are well above average, even for Y.S.G. holders. [*]Fearless/Strong Leadership Ability - Because of her upbringing and where she was born, Yashi has grown quite the backbone. She rarely if ever is intimated by others, or let alone let any emotions dictate the way she fights. Because of this she is capable of rallying people even in the worst of scenarios or situations, and she is ruthless and decisive regardless of the adversity she might be experiencing. She will always ensure that her confidence and leadership never wavers, even in the face of death. [*]Close-Mid Range combat Specialist - She is especially gifted in close to mid-range combat, both from the training she experienced as a kid from her deceased former I.U.F (Ishura's Ultimate Fighter) heavy weight champion, and the training she's had from Tsukiyama personally. Despite her small stature, she is exceptionally crafty in leveraging others weight and using her size to her advantage. She also has to overcompensate for her height, meaning she goes twice as hard during fights over an average size fighter. Scrappy and Cunning would best describe her combat style, not hesitating to do whatever it takes to win. [*]Decent Marksmanship - While she is no master or even pro marksman, she does have a decent aim and extensive training from Tsukiyama. She prefers pistols and sub-machine guns over assault or long rifles, as they are much easier to carry and less awkward for someone her size. She is more partial to using her Soul Binder, but she does carry around two pistols holstered at the sides of her chest, that she had custom made to fit her perfectly. [*]Extensive Knowledge and Intel on the Kurushimu - because of her past, and her time in Heita, she has become well acquainted with the Gang and has seen most of them in combat or fight in some way. She is the perfect weapon to use against the Gang and has contingency plans for all of the Enforcers in the event the Kurosagi suddenly pop up on their radar.[/list][/color] [b][color=662d91]Weaknesses/Flaws:[/color][/b] [color=a187be][list][*]Reckless - Because of her lack of emotions and fear, Yashida often finds herself in especially dicey situations and in constant conflict with the Big Ego's of Sakanoshita. For a relatively Quiet girl, she has bizarre amount of enemies. [*]Small - Pretty self explanatory, she has made up mostly for her height, but she suffers from the same things most other short people do. [*]Altruistic - It's not that she doesn't care about what happens to herself, it's just that she puts her family and gang before herself. She will do anything and everything to ensure the safety her people, much to the detriment of her own health and wellbeing. She is constantly striving to the most she can for Tsukiyama, something Mama Tsuki has requested for her stop, and often goes sleepless in order to be the most useful she can be. [*]Blind-Hatred For Goro Uemaru - While she hasn't seen the vile man since she left Heita and her brother behind, she has a deep seeded and inhuman amount of hatred for the man. If she saw him again, all hell would break loose as the tiny girl would B-Line straight for him. She stands little chance on her own and Tsukiyama has consistently reminded her of this, but despite all that, she cannot let go of her feelings or want to kill Goro in the most violent of ways.[/list][/color] [b][color=662d91]Y.S.G Ability(ies):[/color][/b] [color=a187be][u]Base Ability: Gravity Disruption [/u] With or without her Soul Binder, Yashida can temporarily change the gravity of items she touches with her body or Soul Binder. There are a couple of ways she can apply this Ki ability, the most prominent being that she can completely remove an objects or persons gravity to make them experience Zero-Gs or weightlessness. On the flip-side, she can also greatly increase the gravity on an object, enough to be able to crush an object or person under the weight. The power is largely weight based, anything more then 200 lbs begins to drastically decrease the amount of time she can keep the effect in place, limiting her to fifteen minutes at a time for Zero-Gravity effect and five minutes for increased gravity, with a max of ten objects or people at a time. Every 200 lbs added, cuts it down to half what it was previously. At max stress she could change the gravity of an item that's one ton, but she will black out within two minutes of hold her ability on the object or person. [u]Awakening: Collapsed Star Energy [/u] -Locked-[/color] [b][color=662d91]Soul Binder/Weapon(s):[/color][/b] [color=a187be]Tachi (View Picture for what it Looks like) - Yashida's Soul Binder comes in the form of a Katana that is almost the full size she is. Despite the large size, it fits perfectly with her fighting style and Ki ability, giving her some range to make up for her short stature. The hilt has crows engraved into the material, and wrapped in a dark purple material. The blade itself is probably the most interesting part of the Soul Binder, taking the color of black, it's speckled with iridescent dots all over, giving it the appearance of Space or a night sky filled with stars. While one would think her Soul Binder is slow and bulky, to Yashi, it feels as if she has a knife in her hand, allowing her to swing and move around with it in hand with ease. The summoning effect appears in a visual distortion around the blade for a minute, making it seem like the air around her is pulsing or vibrating almost. [url=https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/858d8696-850f-45e5-9a3b-0dcf34f110e2/db2567o-574cdb81-5f76-4719-928a-c5e9dca4dfa7.jpg/v1/fill/w_1024,h_1641,q_75,strp/z_04_by_peterku_db2567o-fullview.jpg?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQzNzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZTBkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6W1t7ImhlaWdodCI6Ijw9MTY0MSIsInBhdGgiOiJcL2ZcLzg1OGQ4Njk2LTg1MGYtNDVlNS05YTNiLTBkY2YzNGYxMTBlMlwvZGIyNTY3by01NzRjZGI4MS01Zjc2LTQ3MTktOTI4YS1jNWU5ZGNhNGRmYTcuanBnIiwid2lkdGgiOiI8PTEwMjQifV1dLCJhdWQiOlsidXJuOnNlcnZpY2U6aW1hZ2Uub3BlcmF0aW9ucyJdfQ.k3y3TVBdzktX3ALTBYmPQ493_DkLraop-AmfXwBJ4Ek]RetroArms .45 ACP X5[/url] - RetroArms, typically know as RA weapons, is a weapon manufacturing dealing with designs and types from the past and bringing them to the present with a twist. The .45 ACP X5 was popular circa 2080 and was largely regarded as the go to service pistol for I.L.E.A. Tremendous stopping power and heavily reliable, the pistol has a 12 round mag standard, with the more premier option for 15-20 rounds. While they typically run slightly bigger then the standard personal pistol, Yashi had the grips and 15-round mags custom made to fit in her hand better. She typically carries around Miko-Rounds, as they do a could job against both Yokai and Y.G holders and has one mag extra each full of said rounds. She also carries one special 20 round mag with Shogun-Rounds for the off chance she might have to fight a Y.S.G Holder. She carries two, and has dedicated holsters under her arms for them both.[/color] [b][color=662d91]Cybernetics/Gadets/Accessories:[/color][/b] [color=a187be][list][*]SpecWrx Combat Apparel and Aid - Both her pants and her body one piece are made by SpecWrx, an apparel company that specializes in civilian combat and defense. The specific matching set she got, is specifically built for the Brokenlands, being highly resistant to most environments and temperatures. It is made of a special tear resistant Y.G altered polymer, that makes the suit much harder to cut through and bullet-proof to small caliber ballistics. Instead of getting the implant on her hand that Tsukiyama has, she elected to have her gloves programmed for the same functions. Her pistol holsters are also made by SpecWrx and are specifically tailored to fit Yashida's body. [*]CBWarfare Metal Jingasa - A Y.S.G weapons manufacturer for the I.S.C.A, they do from time to time sell to civilians but the one Yashi has was her fathers. Taking the shape of huge samurai hat, it can be used for fashion or combat and defense, the material capable of shielding against large ballistics and Yokai-Altered weapons. It can repel Soul Binders but after a couple minutes, will break from shielding against them. She can also recall it to her with her SpecWrx gloves from a max distance of 100 feet.[/list][/color] [sub][b][u][color=662d91]E X T R A[/color][/u][/b][/sub] [/indent][/cell] [cell][sub][b][u][color=662d91]H i s t o r y[/color][/u][/b][/sub] [hider=Redacted Information][indent][color=a187be]- Redacted -[/color] [/indent][/hider][/cell][/row][/table][/hider]