[center][img]https://i.postimg.cc/mg8Zg0dZ/Eun-Ji-Banner.png[/img][/center] [hr]Place(s): Zander Mozaru's Home → The Academy → The Merchants' Quarter → The Castle(Commons Dormitory) Time: Taldes, Vardes 28, Dami-Zept 54 | Late HI(Dawn) → HD(Nighttime) Interaction(s): None in particular [hr] [color=87CEEB][center][h3]FIRST DAY OF CLASSES[/h3][/center][/color] Save for the particular event in the morning, the first actual day of school turned out to be rather devoid of event for Eun-Ji. She woke up early at dawn as she often did, although the event in the morning caused her to skip her internal martial arts practice; it had weighted too heavily in her mind, so much that she were very quiet and seemingly absentminded all through breakfast and during the short travel to the Academy. In reality, she was not so much as being absentminded as she was being deep in her own thoughts. As she reached the first class, she had fully sorted out her thoughts and returned more to her usual behavior. What she needed to do was clear. She had resolved in that she needed to start gathering information on how to destroy those... dangerous unnatural things. It was quite funny, how a few days in Ersand'Enise had managed to give her more personal missions (two) than the last few years of her life (zero). As for the classes themselves, they had been "normal" for Eun-Ji, for a lack of a better word. Eun-Ji had no trouble in [b]Sensing & Drawing[/b], having already been trained to an adept level in all the sequences of the process of spellcasting. She remained fully neutral and humble throughout the class, with a concealed eagerness to improve. The [b]Avincian[/b] class had been interesting enough. While she was already fluent in Avincian, the practical lesson in the form of the word game had been anything but boring. The lunch that came after the lesson was not particularly eventful as well. A pair of fellow students of Tan Keoulian descent had approached her, taking their seats near her. She was wary at first, but soon relaxed and politely appreciated the company after being sure that the pair were really just normal students and not fellow emperor's agents; they weren't even from Tan Keoul even if they were of Tan Keoulian heritage. Born-on-Solstice's [b]Arcane Magic[/b] class after lunch was pleasantly held outdoors much to Eun-Ji's liking, while Jurgen Mendenhoffer's [b]Kinetic Magic[/b] class after that had caused Eun-Ji to default to her military disciplines due to her being indeed actually a soldier. In both of these classes, she didn't learn much on this first day. But then again, it was indeed only the first day. And all the same, she displayed a kind of muted eagerness to learn and improve in the lessons. Jurgen Mendenhoffer's class had been the last for the day. Eun-Ji left the Academy without much ceremony after that, quickly heading by herself to the Merchants' Quarter to procure some supplies; mostly dried non-perishable foodstuffs and also some inks, parchments, and a few books that she believed will be able to give her clues, any clues at all, in understanding Blood Magic and Aberrations. Afterwards, she had been mostly cooped up in her room in the Castle, fully focused on reading the books she had bought and writing down whatever useful information she managed to gain through the books. It was not until dinner time that she emerged out of her room and much to her surprise, she found that an impromptu party had somehow started in the mess hall. It was... most definitely not her kind of environment. She did noticed that the man who had given her the rose the other day, Leon Solaire, was seemingly being the heart of the party. Regardless, she tried her best to steer clear from the rowdiness, instead picking up her meal and a glass of water before finding the quietest corner possible in the mess hall to eat by herself.