[quote=@James Davy] Donald resumed rehearsing his parts, but a part of him couldn't shake the notion of his mother making it to the concert. What he had heard defied logic unless someone smuggled in a recording. [/quote] Jeremy went right on with another #. But in the back of his mind... something was off about that mysterious incident. [img]https://therhapsodyfamilyuniverse.files.wordpress.com/2020/03/jeremy-kelly-lightfoots-drag-kid-looks-15.jpg[/img] Jeremy: *Voice-Over* My Prodigal Brother who i reunited with not too long ago was with a point somewhere. Something about the incident was profoundly mysterious and something about it seemed very off. I wasn't sure if there was gonna be anything that either Donald and I would be able to do to get ahead of the sudden release of the voice. Which sounded very much like Macie. It sounded just like the Rising Star and there was no telling as to either it was to tell she was nearby... or if it was a ruse to land a warning to us. I didn't see it as a warning before... but now with everything slowly being put right up on the table and placed for all to see... I didn't dare to turn a head looking to other direction and not pay it any mind. We had a couple of our pokemon out doing reconnaissance to look and find where the source was. Find out where it was coming from. Donald was of course certain that it was likely some type of tomfoolery and i couldn't blame him as i had this slight suspicion as well and it was very clear that if it was a joke... It had to be Team Magma's ploy. To catch us off the guard and defensive. This was all while during Sandy and I... plus Donald were suiting and prepping for the concert. One that of which was only 2 days away. Time was not on our sides and we knew that we were gonna need to keep our minds on the concert and not let the distraction veer us off from the current objective. The St. Louis Concert. My only wonder was... Would there be a concert expected to be held in Cleveland too once that time came? The Rehearsals pressed on again...