[center][color=orchid][h2]Aiko Yume[/h2][/color] [img]https://i.imgur.com/U1kgmC3.png[/img] [color=orchid][b]Time:[/b][/color] Morning [b][color=orchid]Location:[/color][/b] Leaky Tap and Tavern [b][color=orchid]Interactions:[/color][/b] Yuka [@princess], Orias [@Helo], Xavier [@Omni5876] [b][color=orchid]Mentions:[/color][/b] Nabarra[/center] When Yuka approached, Aiko welcomed her warmly. The ambient energy wafting off of her was delicious. They were too busy fighting fires last night to do much better than break even by the time folks started walking up. A brief breath of vital vapors. She retreated all too quickly, but he would just have to make do. "[color=orchid]She was not with me, and nowhere to be found. I can only assume she recovered after I administered the antidote and made off. Can't blame her, after last night. I wouldn't be too keen to stick around, either.[/color]" The question was given to them, of their next destination. The demi-human-shaped succubus pondered briefly, though their preference was not hard to settle. "[color=orchid]The stout folks of Ironhold would surely be a great benefit, yes?[/color]" And they'd be less likely to sniff them out. Somehow, the River Fairy Kingdom felt like the bigger threat to Aiko's cover story. At the same time, "[color=orchid]though, the fairies of the river would have useful magics for our cause. It would be foolish to ignore their talents. Perhaps we can make plans to go there from Ironhold.[/color]" Perhaps we can send someone else there and I can dodge the ordeal.