[center][h2][color=662d91]Roxanna[/color][/h2][/center] Mentioning: [@Ponn][@Majoras End] Roxanna's plan for the night had been to make a little bit of extra money in order to start the new year with by selling some of her spiritual wares. Granted they were likely going to be misused by the people buying them due to them ignoring the cultural history of Ofuda and were largely getting them because they looked interesting, but all she could do was try and educate and if they didn't learn that wasn't her fault. Instead she had ended up killing two wendigo and getting sent flying by a third who had full on tried to gore her. Granted no actual damage was done, but being thrown after getting charged by a freakish deer like abomination wasn't a fun situation all the same. It was enough to knock the wind out of your lungs. Thankfully the second one had decided to go deal with the other two magical gir-...boys who had shown up that had decided to employ the old American ideal of 'If you put enough bullets into it, it will die'. As the beast that had charged her clearly intended to follow up on its aggression, Roxanna snapped her head right towards it and swiftly called her psychic powers to the fore, grabbing the Wendigo that was even now charging towards her with the power of her mind in order to hold it still; The momentum of the character made the process harder due to her having to put more force into stopping it from just physically slamming into her, but once you were able to lock the joints into position actually preventing it from gaining enough momentum to physically resist being held like this the situation got a lot simpler and easier to manage. It was then that a heavenly voice seemed to ring clear around the train station... and despite Roxanna wanting to turn her head towards the source to see it for herself, a combination of her own desire to stay alive and Socialism briefly employing some psychic will of its own in order to stop her from moving her head because that would be a [i]terrible idea[/i] at the moment likely saved her having to deal with a fair amount of injury and grief. This angelic voice was soon followed by... it was hard to describe the feeling exactly, but what became clear as crystal to Roxanna as it flowed through her was that it was empowering her natural abilities beyond their normal limits. She generally felt fairly powerful when it came to her psychic abilities under normal circumstances, but right that moment... right that moment her eyes began to glow as she felt stronger then ever. For a brief moment, Roxanna saw several paths in relation to dealing with the Wendigo in her grasp. Truth be told she wasn't quite sure if she could pull some of them off, even with the power boost... but there was a part of her that wanted to test her limits just to see if she could do something like crush it into a meat cube with nothing but the power of the mind. She didn't do this for one reason through; She didn't know the beautiful voice or the girl giving her this additional power, but she felt like going for a brutal, gory display of power would not be the method to make a good first impression. Instead, Roxanna decided to make use of the tools that the Wendigo itself had... [i]volunteered[/i] for her usage. Slowly and shakily, the Wendigo's right arm moved. Even as the creature fought against the force holding it, the elbow was bent and its claw like fingers were brought together to create something that looked like it would have been an impressive war spear... that was angled at the point where the beasts neck and chin met. It gave out an enraged bellow as it continued to struggle, but with one strong shove of psychic force to give the arm a terrifying amount of momentum and... both the bellows and struggles were cut short as claws entered brain. Merely holding a sack of bone and meat, Roxanna dropped the dying creature and let it hit the stone ground with a thump as it started to spasm as its body tried to deal with the fact that its brain was dead. Reaching up, Roxanna suddenly felt tired as she started to rub her temples. "[color=662d91]Oww...[/color]"