Character Sheet: Appearance: His face is always concealed by one of his many masks, and his head is always covered by a hood. ( <-- preferred mask and hood combo) His eyes are a light gray, and his skin a tanned white that he got from his mother. Name: Auccaman Gerager Age: 25 Gender: Male Height: 5'11" Weight: 110 Lbs From: Trading Satellite 547 Role: Prisoner~Thief Power Rating: 5-7 (still working on balancing it in my head to find a real level) Powers/Abilites: An adept lockpick, hacker, and climber. Along with this is extremely flexible. Stealthy like a kitty. Personality: Though he tends not to speak, he can be very convincing when he does. Though he will sacrifice everything to do what he needs to, and doesn't much care for people, there are those he pretty much adopts as family that he can sacrifice, it can tear him apart even though he seems calm and cool on the surface. History: Auccaman was a successful business man on the trading satellite he came from, but after scandals came and investors pulled out he went into poverty. With everything he knew destroyed he went on to a life of crime first as an assassin was at the top of his game until he botched a contract and killed the wrong person, a little girl. He left the assassin game with her death heavy on his soul. With nothing still he went in as a thief where he learned to pick the locks and hack into terminals and into doors. Life went well, even getting the night vision implants, until he hacked into the wrong ship and got thrown into the brig he's now being held in. Anythin' else?: His outfit has a gel it can secrete on the hands and boots to stick him to walls and ceilings to help him climb and stick to areas. In his equipment he has a climbing claw. Almost forgot [img=]