[center][h1][color=turquoise]Tigerlily[/color][/h1][/center] [center][img]https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/466021461174386714/937185036954902638/tigerlily_circle_2.png[/img][/center] [center][color=#AED6F1][color=turquoise]Time:[/color] Dusk [color=turquoise]Interaction:[/color] Lizzie [@Tae], Barboda [@Alivefalling], Helio [@princess] Tesoro aka “Rat” [@Infinite Cosmos], Nym [@helo], [@FunnyGuy] “Two Lesser Known Twins” & Liliana [color=turquoise]Location[/color]: Barboda's Ship - Living Quarters [color=turquoise]Equipment[/color]: [hider=Equipment] Wearing: [url=https://i.imgur.com/VLZ0dIa.png]new outfit[/url], sword strapped to her belt, enchanted with return enchantment; daggers in her boots, sheathed and one hanging from belt, plus hat/cape from her outfit below In her bag inside: Location sender, timeteller, eye protectors & dark sight, glasses; [url=https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/466021461174386714/863792088318476298/rsgrgsreg.png]Outfit Bought from Sailor’s Emporium[/url] [/hider][/color][/center] [center][img]https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/610964561553522698/610976734258659379/up-divider.png?width=960&height=83[/img][/center] [color=#AED6F1]Tigerlily waited much like Nym with her arms folded. Captain Lizie’s soft words to Tesoro made her raise her eyebrows. She viewed them as a family, and her vulnerability surprised even Tigerlily. She was quiet for a moment. Was this it? After a few long, miserable years…? She bit her lip and pushed it out of her mind for now. She needed to focus. When Ardyn’s crew spoke up, proposing a tax, she began laughing loudly in the background. A tax to sail the seas? How dare they think they could claim it? Fury grew inside of her and she resisted the urge to murder these roaches right now. This crew was out of their damned minds. However she stopped laughing to allow Lizzie to speak while the roaches’ attention was spared by Tesoro. She nodded in agreement as she began surveying their surroundings. The ocean was quite agitated. Lily glanced at the Captain with furrowed brows and turned away with a smirk. If it was true… The Rat spoke up and she regrettably decided to listen to him. She stared at him with disbelief and rolled her eyes. [color=turquoise]”I don’t think I need to explain myself. You’d best put those plugs if this turns to a fight as you will lose your hearing temporarily, if the other crew doesn’t have them already...”[/color] Tigerlily noted his soft tone and decided not to comment further so as not to upset him or Lizzie. She glanced at the schooner and knew it’d be possible they had their own defense mechanism for handling sirens, and knew she’d have to find another way to fight. She moved over to the edge, but not close enough to be in danger of falling over. She examined the water and glanced back at the schooner. There was a chance the bastard had a siren. She glanced over the crew quickly and noted the mixed races. Thus far, they didn’t seem to recognize her, and she was quite glad she’d changed her appearance. She moved back to Lizzie’s side and spoke softly. Her mind raced as she began thinking of how to find the main roach. [color=turquoise]”He’ll have a siren, whether on the main ship or in the waters where I can assist ye. I’ve had my fair share of siren fights. You’re right that his main ship could be cloaked in light or dark magic. He may even be on the ship already while invisible.. A light elf as old as the Bastard is, will have mastered the art of light magic.”[/color] She glanced at Nym with her voice as quiet as possible, though knowing it’d only be safe for one to possibly leave. Also, she'd have to watch out for nets. How she hated them and caused her fury to grow.[color=turquoise]”What do you say on checking out the se-”[/color] Tigerlily’s sentence was cut short. Barbuda had moved forward and murdered the forest fairy. Shocked, she turned to stare at him. [color=turquoise]”Barboda, what the fuck?”[/color] She cried as she glanced around. Furious, she looked to Lizzie for orders, frustrated now by their situation. She didn’t want to die fighting some stupid battle caused by a helmeted weirdo. Her gaze locked onto Tesoro who was staring at her and she frowned. What the hell did he want? She inhaled sharply as he came at her abruptly and took a few steps back with fear. It reflected in her eyes as her mind replaced him with a dark elf. She tensed up as his feathery light touch brushed her side as a slight rattle told her he’d swiped her dagger. Frozen and speechless, she stood there unable to move. His words replayed in her mind as her heart rate increased. She couldn’t help but smirk though at his wink and reined in her anger over having it stolen. Her smile was much less friendly than it was wicked. If looks could have killed… [color=turquoise]”You’d best give me the dagger back or you’ll find out what I can do later.”[/color] She noted his position would be the first person the other crew would meet if they came aboard. With that taken care of, she glanced at Lizzie. [color=turquoise]”Captain, would you like me to stay aboard or go underwater? I’ll bet Ardyn’s going to appear now. They’ll likely have another fairy aboard their main ship since they can heal."[/color] Whether or not she knew it, she decided to state it anyways. Her suspicion was growing more over the captain as the sea remained agitated and rocked their ship. Her instincts told her to abandon ship, yet she remained steadfast and glanced at Nym then studying their surroundings. [/color]