[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/210311/cef7f0174d2fe77b652e412a4fa97c69.png[/img] [b][color=A30000]Level:[/color][/b] 3 (9/30 EXP) [b][color=A30000]Location:[/color][/b] Sandswept Sky - Graveyard of the Peaks [b][color=A30000]Word Count:[/color][/b] Less Than 750 Words (+1 EXP) [sub][b][color=A30000]Interaction:[/color][/b] Everyone[/sub][/center] Amidst the whipping wind and the cold blustery snowfall it seemed the prince's words fell upon deaf ears [color=A30000]"F-Fine f-freeze to death for a-all I c-care,"[/color] Laharl spat at the Seekers sneering angrily, his lip curling up through chattering teeth as he scrunched up his face [color=A30000]"G-Go ahead and g-get yourselves KILLED!"[/color] all at once his frustration over where he was and how he needed to lower himself by taking orders rather than giving them, it all came full circle. He was angry he had lost his purpose, his allies, his power and most of all a sense of control. Yet amidst the howling wind and snow, between gravestones and snowbanks something gave the half-demon the strangest feeling. He had opened his mouth to say something yet shut it abruptly, something giving Laharl pause in the midst of his royal tirade to perk his pointed ears and furrow his brow turning his head towards the building in the distance that Big Band had initially pointed out then he heard something, or rather someone. [color=FFFBE3][i]"Help! Please, someone! Help!"[/i][/color] it was unmistakable, the voice, no [i]that[/i] voice. Laharl knew it or rather whom it belonged to and it was the only reason he hadn't stormed off down the mountain. If it [i]was[/i] the angel then maybe just [i]maybe[/i] he wasn't alone in the world, maybe Etna was lost somewhere and maybe even up this cursed mountain. Suddenly he felt something, unlike anything he had ever felt before like something ignited in him almost akin to a fire being kindled to life or the ignition in a car being turned and the key was this feeling and it was hope. Was this what everyone else had? Was it carrying them up the mountain? Was this what having a purpose felt like? Laharl's fists turned white from tightly cracking the bones in his knuckles, gripping his winter jacket hard within his grip as he stared into the heart of the blizzard the sneer on his face disappearing, gritting his teeth as he tried to stop their nigh incessant chatter. Shaking furiously from both the cold that bit his joints and the fire in his heart Laharl opened his mouth shouting with purpose in his voice. [color=A30000]"I-I AM COMING!"[/color] voice carrying well past the Seekers up ahead, full of newfound vigor and purpose the demon boy began to claw through the snow with flames to melt it away, vaulting himself over the tombs dotting the mountainside throwing balls of flame up ahead as he desperately climbed up by himself [color=A30000]"I WON'T LET YOU DIE!"[/color] had it been under less dire of situations the prince would have likely made an excuse or even pulled a childish face to appear disgusted yet at the moment he wanted more than anything to see someone he knew, and deep in his stubborn little heart he really cared about the well-being of the people he often called his servants.