[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/211230/b6d7b4b2707396de90e274b69a1496d5.png[/img] Location: Queens, Joey Doug(h)'s Pizza (H)ole) Interactions: Picture Perfect [@Fading Memory] Hi-Volt [@Mintz] Wanderer [@The Man Emperor][/center] MJ's eyes went wide. How did this guy know MJ's secret identity? He never posted anything about his nightly shenanigans online. How the hell did this random guy know that private information? Damage control needed to be done. Now. MJ tried to play it cool. [color=ed1c24]"Heh, I don't know who this Jackpot person is. You must have me confused with some other guy? I'm just an aspiring actor. Nothing special about me at all."[/color] MJ was relieved he wasn't streaming right now, and he could edit this awkward situation out. MJ was relieved that the other heroes didn't catch on. The other girl was distracted by mystery man's powers, and PP was busy being PP... He changed the subject quickly, and replied to Picture Perfect. [color=ed1c24]"Exactly, it's short and easy to remember. Although, if I ever make it as an actor, I might try to make Matthew James Watson a thing, but we'll see."[/color] Then an Amber Alert went out. Apparently a car had been stolen, and it was time for the heroes to spring into action. MJ was also sent PP's contact information straight to his phone. This will come in handy later. [color=ed1c24]"I'll go by portal. I think you have your hands full with PP. Wow, a real superhero fight! My viewers will get a kick out of this one!"[/color] Of course, MJ had ulterior motives for travelling with the man called Wanderer. He needed to have a few words with him. As soon as PP and HI volt left, MJ shut off the camera, and had some very stern words for Wanderer. [color=ed1c24]"Look, I don't know who you are, or how you know my secret, but my nightly activities are my business. If anybody finds out about this, my career is ruined, and Jackpot is going to be coming for you. Got it?"[/color] He punched the palm of his hand with his other fist.