[center][h2]Isaac Vale[/h2][/center] [center]Interacting with [@mantou][/center] [hr] "Don't be so sure about this artifact being an ominous red button," Isaac whispered back to Sunny. "But it is important obviously or was important to the people that built this temple," Isaac said with a reassuring smile. Then focusing his attention back on the orb. "It is certainly a curiosity and it... it almost looks like it was made of some kind of resin or something else entirely. I can not really describe it." Isaac took a moment to think before shaking his head and turning back to face Sunny. "Sorry, I should introduce myself, I am Isaac Vale, archaeologist." Who are you?" Asking kindly before turning his head to the orb. "This a find of a lifetime we have here and all thanks to global warming." Isaac chuckled to himself, what are the chances it would be good for once." He turned his head back to Sunny. "What do you think of the site so far might I ask?"