[@Lunarlord34][@samreaper] Oh, dear god this guy was a blowhard. She maintained that smile though if it was anymore forced her facial muscles would be the hardest working muscles on her body. [color=ed145b]"Uh, actually Steph told me that you were there with her that you got your starter today."[/color] While it was to clarify what she meant, it was to also knock him down a peg. There was confidence, but this prick had no respect for the champion or anyone within the league. He was only about himself and that's it. She did not like him at all, and Tristan was giving her less and less reason to. Freya was visibly uncomfortable with Tristan and honestly, she was not wrong to be. Tristan was essentially objectifying her the moment that he met her, but rather than risk of making this somehow more awkward than this already was, she just smiled albeit very stiffly. [color=ed145b]"Um, yes I am one of the trainers that Adriane picked. My name is Freya, and my friend is very much capable of introducing herself."[/color] Freya was not exactly appreciative that Tristan had straight up ignored her and yes, she understood that Steph's accent was as understandable as a can of alphabet soup, but he could at least make the effort to try and understand the Bogan girl. Steph was especially pissed off for being ignored, but honestly, she was handling it a lot better than anticipated. However, was it necessary to keep insulting the professor? [color=ed145b]"Can we please not call the professor a 'quack?'"[/color] Was it just them or was she starting to sound annoyed? She maintained that smile, but there was a certain forcefulness in the way she said it.