I think your problem is sourcing opinions from people you deem to be paid hacks and not streamers or people you trust or like trying the game that is free out for yourself since the only thing wasted then is time. But as someone who has played a lot of MMOs, Lost Ark is better than New World because New World is on fire so much you can survive a winter with it as your primary heating source. And saying it doesn't look better than mobile games is a bit disingenuous. I don't even like the game because its story is super shit and I disagree with gender locked classes but even I can't deny that the actual use of skills and moment to moment fighting of enemies is solid enough to be better than garden variety ARPGs. It doesn't have the polish of a AAA budget or even a AA Diablo knockoff but it's a good enough veg out game that'll absolutely die down in a month as is the way.