[center][h2][color=8b38c7]Alaia Riluaneth[/color][/h2][/center] [color=8b38c7]Time:[/color] Morning [color=8b38c7]Location:[/color] Aldrakh [color=8b38c7]Interactions:[/color] [@princess] Maeryn [color=8b38c7]Equipment:[/color] [url=i.imgur.com/qGRSmLa.png]Outfit[/url], Two short swords, a belt with sheaths, flask, transmission bracelet, small bag with 4 large blue potions [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/Y2toCpH.png[/img][/center] Alaia followed Maeryn into the market, looking around at the place only noticing that it seemed worse than living in the slums of Malthemoor. The big hulking orcs looked like they smelled worse than a pile of corpses. She grimaced at them only to have her attention pulled by Maeryn’s voice. She looked up at him then followed his gaze to two demons by a stall. She didn’t feel phased by them at all but she looked to Maeryn anyway with fearful eyes, [color=8b38c7]” Oh no I hope you will be able to protect me if something happens.”[/color] She was really thinking [color=8b38c7][i]‘Oh father, everyone is my toy to play with and to cut up to see how they work. Even demons!’[/i][/color] Alaia paused in place to keep the act up [color=8b38c7]“Uh… I am a little scared. I am not sure I want to go.”[/color] Moments later she flew behind him quickly staying at his back. She watched as the disgusting white thing spoke and thought about disemboweling it. Imagining her intestines all over the ground gave Alaia goosebumps. She looked at the female dark elf and then the oversized red mut. [color=8b38c7][i]That girl is uglier than the demons. Ugh.[/i][/color] She thought and then managed a smile, [color=8b38c7]”Oh father! That red creature is beautiful.”[/color] She flapped her wings up and flew over to the creature to gently pet his head, [color=8b38c7]”What a lovely being you are.”[/color] She flew back quickly to avoid any counter move by the demon. [center][color=FF8E00][h1]Caelan Knight[/h1][/color][/center] [color=FF8E00]Time:[/color] Morning [color=FF8E00]Location:[/color] Myriamor [color=FF8E00]Interactions:[/color] [@princess] Sophie [@Mole] Aurora [@FunnyGuy] Slick[@Helo] Leaf [color=FF8E00]Equipment:[/color] A D&D miniature, a blunt, and the clothes he was given [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/2iVkwCW.png[/img][/center] Caelan glanced around at the stalls with interest. This festival seemed much more fun than walking through the humid woods all day. He looked at all the bizarre clothing and items. [color=FF8E00]“I want to go swimming and play games! What about you guys?”[/color] He said to the group excitedly. He watched a man come over with drinks. Caelan then took one immediately, so fast that the man seemed shocked, then downed it before taking another. He gave the man a pleasant smile. [color=FF8E00]“Thank you!”[/color] He added. Caelan then walked over to a stand selling swimwear. [color=FF8E00]“Yo, how much are these?”[/color] [color=orange]”Hello sir! Each swimsuit is five amas each.”[/color]The merchant replied. [color=FF8E00]”I would like to buy this one.”[/color] It was oddly designed but he liked the swirl pattern on the shorts. Caelan handed the amas over, taking the shorts before heading back to the group. [color=FF8E00]“Guys the swimsuits are five amas over there.”[/color]