[@BrokenPromise]Listen you, I already don't understand why I like it, alright? Stop reminding me of the details! It's great, okay?! TRUST ME. AVATAR IS GREAT [@Fabricant451]. YOU CAN TAKE MY WORD FOR IT. [hider=While we're on the subject LoK spoilers]You started with the metal thing and now I'm in a rabbit hole of issues with the show. Like did we get a proper explanation for how Amon blocked her bending??? Or maybe we did and the answer is easy to find and I've just stopped trying to find it back when the show was still new. Not only that but just Aang showing back up to Deus Machina the issue. Or Jinora doing the same thing in season 2. Or Zaheer being so god awfully amazing with his abilities in season 3 but holy did I love to see it. Or Korra being a side character in season 4. Or Toph giving Kuvira a stern talking too.[/hider] And yeah, we share pretty much the same opinions across all the shows, especially the bridge fight in [i]Arcane[/i] and season 2 of [i]Castlevania[/i]. Anyways, since you're copying me I think you owe me recs now. Pretty sure this is how this works.