[hider=Isaac Washington] [img]https://i.imgur.com/67Wgudz.png[/img] [color=f26522]Name:[/color] Isaac Washington [color=f26522]Codename:[/color] Heat [color=f26522]Age:[/color] 28 [color=f26522]Gender:[/color] Male [color=f26522]Height:[/color] 6’1 [color=f26522]Weight:[/color] 190lbs [color=f26522]Ethnicity:[/color] Black American [color=f26522]Sexual Orientation:[/color] Hetero [color=f26522]Religion:[/color] Agnostic [color=f26522]Occupation:[/color] Phoenix Order member [color=f26522]Powers/Abilities:[/color] Vocifery - Issac possesses the ability to utilize his voice in order to bend and warp reality. It would seem like he’d literally command the world with simply his voice, but this ability has its limitations. Issac is unable to manipulate the physical state of another, so directly inducing sickness or death to another is not possible. Also, when speaking he needs to rhyme his sentence in a rhythmic way that fits the context of whatever situation he’s in. He can't make a whale appear out of thin air in the middle of the city, but he could weaken the supports in a building and make it crumble on top of an enemy. He can use his power to alter himself physically, but it is based on his own knowledge and imagination. For instance, he could proclaim to be a god, but due to not knowing of the One Above All, he might just default to the power level of someone like Thor, a god, or what he’s witnessed Thor do. [color=f26522]Background:[/color] Isaac was born a mutant, but his X-Gene hadn’t surfaced until he reached his late teenage years, or perhaps his ability just hadn’t been noticed until then. His mutation was quite specific and he was born mute, he’d only have to look to his father when it pertained to mutant genes. Despite the world becoming more ethnically progressive, mutant kind were treating as second class citizens. There were those that endured the hate and discrimination, but Isaac’s parents werent the type. When the Dark Phoenix arrived to liberate mutant kind, Isaac’s parents stood behind the movement. The likes of Charles Xavier had tried so long to have mutants be equal, but did so by constantly taking the the short end. Enough was enough. Just as the neanderthals faded from existence, so would the inferior humans. Mutants just needed to take their rightful place at the top of the food chain, and the Dark Phoenix had made it possible… at least for a time. Her death was one that should have broken the Phoenix Order, but hope prevailed in those that truly believed in the nature of the phoenix. It would return in time, and this time it wouldn’t be alone at the start. Isaac grew up, supporting the Phoenix Order for as long as he could remember. Without his mutation, he did what he could. He fit into any busy work he could, a hard thing to accomplish when you were in the company of superpowered people. It were his dedication and initiative that put him the good graces of many in the order despite his lack of powers. He was told by the optimists that his mutation was there and he probably just needed to stumble upon it. Perhaps it was resurrection, immortality, or ability to speak to a specific creature he hadn’t come into contact with yet. They were possibilities, but Isaac was comfortable with what he had. He drove, delivered items and messages, organized items, entertained the young, cared for the old, spoke to the troubled, and if all else failed he was great company. His father however, Robert Washington, was a true fighter using sonic abilities to conduct attacks on the enemy and help to actively support the cause. He was older, but that meant he was just more experienced with his abilities. A true gem amongst those in the order, so it was a dark day when died when ambushed during a sting operation conducted by the MRD. Avenging his father wasn’t a possibility. Not without powers. The worst part was that he didn’t think he could fill his father’s shoes. It wasn’t until he had given his father’s eulogy that his powers presented themselves. He had written in a poetic format with rhyme. Selene had approached him that very day and asked him if he wanted to make his father proud by serving the Phoenix Order in a different way than he had previously. To use his gift to change the world so it is prepared for the new Phoenix to arrive. All she asked was that he hone his gift, and she would allow Isaac to continue where his father left off. Isaac did just that. He gained an understanding of his mutation, but also found it to be quite volatile. In the heat of the moment, he could say the wrong thing, become tongue-twisted, or simply lose his train of thought. This ability only worked based on how well he delivered his words and practicing that took time. He started by writing certain things down so he could just read off a paper, but he also found that limiting. If the context of the situation was different, then he’d be unable to aid his allies or save himself. Freestyling soon became his mode of using his strange ability. It was more difficult, but far more versatile. Things seemed to be picking up until he received a vision from seemingly his future self. It was odd, as he was given vague directions. He was warned about KIVA being the larger threat and how he needed to help some woman infiltrate the Ultimates. [i]It’ll work! Primora! The timing is what gets her in! You’ll know when you meet her! Get to NYC! Help her! Help Primora![/i] Isaac didn’t have much to go off on except knowing he had to venture to NYC and he’d meet a woman. He requested he be allowed to operate within a cell of the Phoenix Order in the Big Apple, and in a week’s time he was there. Based in the Bronx, but operating within downtown Manhattan. He had been recently tasked with staking out Oscorp for a rescue mission of Selena’s closest partner, Travis. He did not partake in the attack, but best believe he wished he had. Any chance to hit the MRD or the Ultimates would be a grand time to be alive. [/hider]