[h3]Rosalie Zadoorian - Primora[/h3] Rosalie’s fight against Colby continued with each exchanging heavy hits to the other, even if Rose wasn’t using her full strength at the time, she was landing some pretty heavy hits on Colby. Even if he wouldn’t listen to her or reason, she still had no desire to hurt someone she used to call a friend but it was starting to get ridiculous. He was so full of rage and the need to get revenge, nothing was getting through to him. “Enough!” she cried out as she punched him in the stomach harder than she had before, sending him back a couple of feet and into a wall. His grunt from the punch and crash into the wall echoed in the alley they were in. Clutching his stomach as he hunched over, he looked up at her with a glare and a bit of surprise in his eyes from the force of the punch. Rosalie stood tall, her hands clenched into tight fists as she stared at him, a fire burning within her hazel eyes. “I told you I didn’t want to fight you and I’ve tried my best to keep from hurting you, but you’ve pushed me too far.” she said with hurt and anger in her tone. “You’ve left me no choice but to fight and now…. You’re about to learn I’m one person you shouldn’t have picked a fight with.” A smirk made its way to Colby’s lips as he straightened, wiping blood from his mouth with his free hand and still clutching his stomach. “Aww, did I hurt the little princess's feelings.” he said in a mock baby voice. “Come on Rosie, I didn’t think you could get your feelings hurt so easily.” The use of two of her most hated nicknames caused her to narrow her eyes at Colby and clench her jaw before her fists clenched more, causing her nails to dig into her palm. “What hurts most is knowing I lost a friend that I considered family.” she shot back. At that moment, she took a deep breath and a light glow formed in her eyes, wiping the smirk from Colby’s lips. “What the hell are you? A mutant?” he asked in a demanding tone. “A soon-to-be nightmare.” she replied. Lifting her right hand to rest in front of her, she uncurled her fingers and electricity bounced from finger to finger. Rose looked at her fingers for a moment, a smirk now coming to her lips before lifting her gaze to look back at Colby, who now had a slightly worried look upon his face. Flicking her finger, she sent a bolt of electricity towards Colby, hitting the wall behind him and dangerously close to his head and sending pieces of brick scattering in all directions, causing his eyes to become saucers. Shaking himself to rid himself of his fear, he glared at Rose. “I always knew you were one of those freaks, and it explains why you didn’t help me that day!” Colby yelled at her. “Even if you didn’t know them, you were still on their side and you didn’t care what happened to some human!” Rose sighed heavily at his words, closing her eyes briefly before her hazel gaze met his pale blue. The electricity that bounced on her fingers formed into a ball in the palm of her hand as she glared at him. “Would you listen to yourself and hear just how ridiculous you sound!” she snapped. “After everything, we went through before that day, do you seriously think I would purposely let them beat the hell out of you and kill you?!” It was clear frustration had finally gotten to her, her hand flexed and took on a more claw-like appearance before she threw the ball of electricity at Colby, it hit the ground just inches from his left foot and caused him to jump to the right. His glance to the fried ground before looking back at her didn’t go unnoticed. Unclenching her left fist, she brought it up and ran it through her hair to brush away the hair that had fallen in her face, sighing once again. “You always were hardheaded and it seems that hasn’t changed with our time apart.” she almost whispered. The next thing she knew, Colby pulled a pistol from the back of his pants and shot at her. Lucky for her, his aim was off and the bullet whizzing towards her only grazed her right cheek before embedding itself into the wall behind her. Surprise overtook the smirk that was once upon Rose’s face as blood seeped from the fresh wound on her cheek. She never expected him to have a gun. In the past, he hated them and swore he’d never own one or even touch one. It seemed his traumatic event had changed all that. Collecting herself, her mind began to work overtime. She knew the gunshot would no doubt bring unwanted attention into the alley, and that would risk her being exposed as a non-human, that was something that just couldn’t happen. She was going to have to get this matter taken care of quickly. If only she had the ability to erase or manipulate parts of his memory, it would make this so much easier. Then again, maybe a little bit of electroshock therapy could help remedy that problem when she had him subdued. As she focused once more on Colby, he pointed his gun at her once more, his finger hovering over the trigger, and his hand slightly trembling. “Today is the day I get my revenge.” he spoke in a growl-like tone. As he squeezed the trigger, Rose threw another ball of electricity at him as she dove behind a dumpster for cover. Her attack hit its mark, his left leg giving him a good little shock and sending him to his hands and knees with a yell of pain as his shot hit where she was standing just moments before. Taking to her feet, Rose stepped out from behind the dumpster and shot a bolt at his gun, sending it flying down the alley. Rose closed some of the gap between them, keeping another attack at the ready should she need it. Colby pushed himself back onto his knees and glared up at Rosalie. “You stupid b, gahhhhhh!” He was cut off by Rosalie hitting him with a continuous stream of electricity coming from both of her hands, sending to all fours. Then using the same stream, flipped him onto his back. “Didn’t your mother teach you better than to talk to a lady in such a way?” she said before giving him a good zap before she stopped shocking him. “Not when it comes to women like you.” Colby grunted once he caught his breath. “What a shame.” she whispered as her head dipped and shook as her eyes closed. Colby took this moment as an opportunity to pull another gun he had hidden on himself and fire a shot at Rose. By the time Rose heard the click, it was too late to even try to dodge the bullet to keep it from hitting her. As she opened her eyes, she leaned to the right, and the bullet connected with her left shoulder causing her to cry out in pain and stumble back. Grabbing her shoulder and gaining her footing, she glared down at Colby as he began to take to his feet. “Son of a bi……” she trailed off as pain and anger coursed through her. “You’re going to regret doing that.” she said through gritted teeth. Rose sent a new stream of electricity at him that was even stronger than the last. Colby’s scream echoed in the alley as she collapsed and face-planted onto the ground. She then used the same attack to fling him up and into a wall before slamming back down on the ground. Stopping the attack, she carefully knelt down and placed a hand upon the ground. The ground beneath Colby began to tremble and crack before becoming a sand-like consistency and started to pull Colby within it. “What are you doing?! Stop!” he yelled but he was only answered with silence. She fully intended to bury him up to at least his neck but if he pulled something else, she could easily completely bury him.