[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/zeM0eqB.png[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/EMSwzcs.png[/img][/center] [color=9D4944]Time:[/color]Morning [color=9D4944]Location:[/color] The Harem [color=9D4944]Interaction:[/color][@Helo]Nym [@Tae] Lizzie [@Alivefalling] Barboda [@Potter] Tigerlily [@Infinite Cosmos] Tesoro [@FunnyGuy]Ardyn [color=9D4944]Equipment:[/color]Black coat with fur trim on the hood, dark-colored, plain male clothing, [url=https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/465770184003551242/806953076405174272/latest.png?width=891&height=668]sword[/url] with unbreaking and return enchantments, strength enchanted gloves, 2 medium red potions, hygiene products, timeteller, wayfinder, a flask, standard backpack, and an ama pouch with 1800 amas. [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/Buw4uAo.png[/img][/center] Helio had been sprawled out in the crow's nest, his legs hanging through the gaps of the fencing.[color=9D4944]"Noo behave, girls. Not the knees..."[/color]He muttered in his sleep, chuckling quietly. It was not long before his eyes suddenly burst open. In a haze of confusion, he quickly jumped to his feet as the sound of random voices filled the air. [color=9D4944]"She's just a friend I swear!"[/color] He exclaimed, looking around wildly. The sight of the sky before him made him do a double-take. The sound of the water gently cradling the ship reached his ears and threw him for a loop. It took him a moment to register recent events and process where he was as his gaze lowered toward the deck of the ship below him. [color=9D4944]"Oh... Everyone's up already?"[/color] He rubbed his head as fatigue set in. His back ached and he felt even dizzier than his usual hangovers as the ship rocked on the sea. His lips parted and his brows furrowed as he watched Helmet Head launch an bolt from his crossbow. His gaze followed the bolt as it reached the other ship. He titled his head at this new information. [color=9D4944]"Another ship... Wait. Another ship!? Shit!"[/color] Helio could assess that there were definitely way more people on the other guy's ship. He knew better than to hesitate during a battle where they were outmatched. The timing was awfully unfortunate. He had been up late drinking and flirting way too much with the women on the ship. He had gotten five hours of sleep at best. He shook his head in annoyance, then began to form dark energy in one hand. It was a black, dense mass with dark clouding that surrounded it, which seemed to coat his forearm as the ball was created. His wings flapped as he took flight and began to descend quickly. He launched a decently sized orb of darkness towards the deck of the other ship, [color=9D4944]"It's not even fucking noon!"[/color] He yelled with exasperation and anger at them. Helio was known to be quite irritable when he was hungover and low on sleep.