[table][row][cell][color=lavender]Kenji Yamanaka[/color][/cell][cell][color=lavender]“I just wanna be rich and famous, is that too much to ask?!”[/color][/cell][/row][row][cell][sup][color=#2E2C2C]_______________________________________________[/color][/sup] [img]https://i.imgur.com/je8v1If.png[/img][/cell][cell] Kenji couldn't help but let a giggle creep from his lips at the splendour of youth as the children began to gather around. He could already tell that this team had what it took, there was the groundwork for an incredible bond which would help these children pull themselves through many tough times that would surely come. Although when the Mist boy, Rashiku Karata seemed to be visibily peeved by the explanation of their reassignment, something seemed to switch within the Yamanaka Tokubetsu-Jōnin. With a seemingly instant switch of his facial expressions; Kenji stepped toward the white haired child with noticeable anger in his face. To an onlooker, his face seemed almost black with shade from the shadows befallen upon his face as his hung his head low. [Color=lavender]" I had planned for us to go to my favourite restaurant in celebration of the formation of Team 2. But seeing as [I]"Somebody"[/I] wants to be a grump, I guess we'll go straight to work. Line up. Single file behind me. We're off to Training Ground 17. My sensei tells me that there is someone there who will be able to help us with our mission. We're going to the Uchiha sector after that. [/Color] He decreed, his once warm demeanor now vanished entirely from his personality. Paying the team no further heed than a snapping of the index and middle fingers of his gloved left hand as he sauntered off in the direction of the training grounds. [/cell][/row][/table]