[@Zarkun] [color=#546b5a]"To be honest kid, we have no idea. Some say it's an omen, some same it's a curse. It happens when people are asleep. They see visions of something in their sleep, but the one constant is that they all see the moon in their dream. The effects actually vary; some people don't experience anything afterwards, but then there are people who see strange things after their dreams and then there are those like Bary. Whatever Bary saw in that dream of his shattered his psyche. Hey Bary, lift your right hand up and show us the back."[/color] The crazed old man lifted up his wrinkled left hand instead. It was skinny and veins were pushing against the skin as if they were trying to break free. [color=#546b5a]"No, I said your right hand you dim git."[/color] This time, Bary lifted up his right hand and on the back of his hand was a black crescent shape. [color=#546b5a]"That's the sign of the Night Touched. Everyone that wakes up from being Night Touched all have that mark. Sorry, but that's all that I've got to tell you and to be frank, you won't get anything useful from Bary. Now, let's get you that rod."[/color] Bo walked around from his counter and went to the stands of fishing rods where he glanced around until he found a Good Rod, which he brought back to the counter and laid it out. Judging by the way it looks, it was a pretty sturdy, yet flexible rod that looked like it could definitely fish up some tough Pokemon. Not the strongest, but definitely better than those literal wooden sticks that were the Old Rods. For simplicity's sake, Jason was able to pay for it with his Trainer Card and was now down 5000P. If he chose to leave the store, he would have heard Bary yell out, [b]"The gators are a lie!"[/b] What does he do now? [hr] [@samreaper][@Lunarlord34] And Steph was right on the money! [color=ed145b]"Oh, um, yes that is correct. It's fine, he's difficult around most people."[/color] Freya said quite a bit awkwardly though perhaps a bit relieved that someone knows of their relation. Well, that was until Tristan kept talking and that river of crap flowed out of his mouth with as much ease as breathing. She simply could not believe that someone could possibly be this arrogant with nothing to show for it. That grin of his physically made her ill, like actually make her stomach tighten as if she was going to wretch. She eyed Steph to see how she was handling being directly insulted by this fool and for the most part she seemed calm, too calm. That's when she noticed the girl's body language and it was like... Wait... Steph wasn't... Shit! With a speed and strength that betrayed her figure, Freya hooked her arms under Steph's and pulled back the girl before she would do something to be charged with assault and battery. Try as Steph might, Freya was thankfully able to keep the wriggling girl out and then did a 180 degree turn and tossed her back. Freya was panting heavily having to hold back that wild Bronco of a woman. Her neat, wavy black hair was now frazzled though she ran her fingers through her hair and pushed it back. Freya had a completely different feel about her, something that Steph should have picked up on immediately. This was not the same, warm, kind girl that patched up her wounds. Her eyes were sharper, far colder now and wore a scowl that would have looked far too familiar to anyone that had just seen it this morning. It was as if a switch was just flipped. [color=ed145b]"Cool it. There's no need dirtying your hands with shit."[/color] She said with a cool, yet somehow equally vicious tone. Yup, Kapoc and Freya were definitely siblings. She turned to Tristan with that same, icy expression that expressed every variety from the rainbow of disdain towards the rich prick. [color=ed145b]"You know what? You're awfully presumptuous, you tiny, arrogant, insignificant, single cell troglodyte.[/color] She walked over him and now her figure was far more intimidating as her shadow now loomed over him. [color=ed145b]"Do you just run your mouth and expect no consequences for the shit you say? Get a fucking grip."[/color] There was now a decent crowd of people watching this, some worried about what was going to happen next and then some that were taping this disaster on their phones. The Nurse Joy had actually witnessed Steph trying to assault Tristan but was too afraid to step in until now. [color=f49ac2]"We cannot permit violence in the Pokemon center. I have to ask you three to-"[/color] [color=ed145b]"Shut it."[/color] The Nurse Joy actually yelped from fear. The intensity that came from Freya was suffocating. [color=ed145b]"We are going to settle this like trainers. Get up."[/color] Ordered Freya as she stepped back. [color=ed145b]"Grab your Pokemon and square up. I'm not letting you off that easily."[/color] She turned back and began to walk out of the Pokemon Center but turned back to look at Tristan. [color=ed145b]"Don't you dare run away."[/color] With that, she walked out of the Center and waited for him. What do Tristan and Steph do?