[centre][h2]Sumiye King – Acting Chief Engineer[/h2][/centre] Adventurers, huh? Just when she was starting to get used to the idea of talking to a dragon their conversation was interrupted by news that the Fellowship was on the way to their mountain; not too surprisingly really, they must have made [i]quite[/i] an entrance when they breached the atmosphere going a few thousand miles per hour. The only surprisingly part was how quickly this supposedly medieval world had put together a party and made it this far into the mountains. Curious. Of course, their captain wanted to immediately hop of the back of said dragon to go intercept them; if Sumiye didn’t know any better, and truth be told she really didn’t, she would think they Almira was enjoying all of this. [color=fff200]“I’ll pass captain, if it’s all the same to you. I have duties back at the ship to return to.”[/color] If they were going to have guests then she had better make sure they actually had power and running water by the time they arrived. And working guns… just in case. Their impromptu little weapons test earlier had gone well, but she had yet to check the data herself. [color=fff200]“I can have someone look at the data from the rovers once you’re back if you want.”[/color] [@Kumbaris]