[hr][hr] [center][h1][color=#cdb7b5]Rose Buckner[/color][/h1] [img]https://66.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_mdy8elkAAU1raa8wb.gif[/img] [hr] [I][color=#cdb7b5]Location:[/color] The Moors [color=#cdb7b5]Skills:[/color] [/I][/center] [hr][hr] [color=#cdb7b5]"Hurt her and you'll regret it."[/color] Rose snarled. Her heart felt like it was constricting in her chest, maybe moving up into her throat itself. She didn't want to grab a weapon. Worried the motion would cause the man to hurt Cass. She was not okay with the prospect of Cassi being hurt. What would Robin do? Would he let this prisoner go if it meant protecting Cassi? If that happened what would Rose do? She knew what she would do if he killed Cassi. She'd kill him. [color=#cdb7b5]"You can't kill her. You'll lose your bargaining chip."[/color] She said, her voice a bit calmer now. [color=#cdb7b5]"What do you want?"[/color] She wasn't promising anything. This man and his compatriots had attacked them. [hr][hr] [center][h1][color=#bf85f2]Colby Jackson[/color][/h1] [img]https://media1.tenor.com/images/7b0413f440d949e2aa06a293c7bafb42/tenor.gif?itemid=9757139[/img] [hr] [I][color=#bf85f2]Location:[/color] Agrabah [color=#bf85f2]Skills:[/color][/I] [/center] Oh. Colby wasn't certain how to take that. Did that mean his mom just wasn't in the picture? Or was she someone his dad was close to? He had a lot of very personal questions but decided to keep a lid on them for now. Considering his luck with drinking he decided he wouldn't partake at this time. He looked down at the table thinking. His look matched Maddie's without realizing it. Then he looked back up smiling. [color=#bf85f2]"I hope to attend a tea party soon."[/color] Could they stop Maleficent and bring back a time of plenty? He wanted to. He wanted to help the people here that were clearly in dispare. He wanted magic back in the world in the hands of the people. He couldn't believe that even mundane card tricks had been forbidden and that was just tyranny. You couldn't stop fun like that.