[center][h3][color=rosybrown][b]Xavier[/b][/color][/h3] [color=silver] [img]https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/466021461174386714/942951469118787624/11.png[/img] [color=rosybrown]Time:[/color] Morning [color=rosybrown]Location:[/color] Tavern [color=rosybrown]Interactions:[/color] Orias [@helo], Aiko [@CitrusArms], Yuka [@princess] [color=rosybrown][b]Xavier’s Equipment[/b][/color]: His [url=i.imgur.com/WsU5ZHY.png]sword[/url], and [/color][url=i.imgur.com/tz9UEop.png]outfit[/url][/center] [center][img]https://images-ext-2.discordapp.net/external/6L52-2xIZIsrIESL39qiEEJVpVGbv0FfkFKfSXoV870/https/media.discordapp.net/attachments/610964561553522698/610970766162395360/5844379da6515b1e0ad75b62.png?width=500&height=45[/img][/center] [color=silver]Xavier listened to Yuka’s friends and she conversed. He was quiet and eying the scenery with interest. It looked much like home to him, although the occupants were strange. There were the pointy-eared folk apparently called elves, and more animal-human hybrids and some people with wings. He saw a few tall green beasts too. Knowing his starring might catch attention, he turned back to the others. He noted the creatures and reminded himself to ask Yuka about them later. When Koldar mentioned the Black Market, his eyes widened. [color=rosybrown][i]What? A black market and dragons? This is crazy... What else does this world have?[/i][/color] Panic settled in his eyes and he glanced at Yuka. Fortunately the conversation moved quickly. Someone named “Nabbarra” had disappeared which he found cumbersome and mysterious. Did people disappear often here? He frowned and folded his arms, feeling hot in the weird cloak but not complaining as he was grateful for Yuka’s help. The locations “Ironhold” and “River Kingdom,” both sounded fascinating places with more interesting creatures. He watched Yuka figuratively weigh the decisions and started chuckling to himself. What was an Amora, he wondered? He cleared his throat and nodded as if he understood what was going on. [color=rosybrown]”Alright. Let’s go.”[/color] He glanced at the others with a charming smile. [color=rosybrown]”Before the dark elves take all the good seats.”[/color] [/color]